Page 104 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
P. 104


                           Paul Miller
                           Barry Fox
                           Technology journalist
                           Barry Fox trained in electronics with the RAF and worked as a patent agent, but he
                           Technician and writer on all things audio for some 30 years, Paul Miller took over
                           the editor’s chair in 2006. He invented the QC Suite, used across the audio industry
                           gave that up to enter journalism. He is one of the world’s top technology writers
          Power of fi                         ve

          Conspiracy theories abound when it comes to 5G technology but, says Barry Fox, provided it’s
          properly and fully implemented there will be real benefi ts for listening to streamed music

                he music industry has done an   RIGHT: Ofcom has
                efficient job (note, I do not say   said that winning

                ‘good’ job) of pushing us into   bidders for 5G
          Tbuying our music – and video     bandwidth in the
          – online. As anyone who has suffered   UK must prioritise
          freezing pictures and stuttering sound   residences when
          well knows, the current broadband   serving up the
          infrastructure is not always up to it.  service while the BBC
            Digging up roads and pavements   has been trialling
          and driveways to lay more wire and   broadcasts of live
          fibre is one solution, but it’s positively   radio via 5G as part

          Victorian. The far better option is to use   of the 5G RuralFirst
          new 5G mobile and fi xed-link wireless   initiative (see https://
          links to deliver our broadband. And it’s   www.5gruralfi
          do-able because 5G was designed from   for more)
          the ground up to deliver higher speeds,
          increased bandwidth and lower latency.
          STEERING BY
          Greater bandwidth means less risk of   service offered by broadband provider   delivery of 5G from local masts currently
          congestion when the whole street is   Relish. But better. Yet the real rollout of   uses frequencies between 3.4GHz and
          online at the same time. High speeds   5G (not just the hyped-up limited services   3.6GHz. Next year Ofcom will auction
          mean live streaming of hi-res sound   so far available) is already at risk.  off further 5G frequencies at 3.6-3.8GHz
          without buffering glitches or forced                                and 700MHz. These slots have been
          quality downgrades. New aerial designs,   RABID OPPOSITION          agreed internationally as the primary 5G
          meanwhile, should be able to steer 5G   Everyone loves a conspiracy theory. Aliens   bands because they represent a workable
          beams past buildings that once acted as   have landed and been kept locked up   compromise between good cover over
          obstacles. And low latency means there’s   in a desert hangar, London tap-water   reasonable distances and high data rates.
          less risk of sync loss between sound and   is poisonous, the Barbican Centre was
          pictures (some of the live                    designed as a fortress for   LIVING DANGEROUSLY
          music streams that have                       military use in a national   Current cellphone services variously
          been available during the   ‘The latest       emergency… ‘They’     use frequencies of 800MHz, 900MHz,
          lockdown have suffered                        would deny it, wouldn’t   1800MHz, 2100MHz, 2300MHz and
          from syncing problems).  theory is that       ‘they’? And no-one can   2600MHz. Some of these services began
            Low latency also    5G technology           ever disprove a negative.  as far back as the mid 1980s. Which
          means smaller, cheaper                          The latest theory is   means that ever since then we have been
          intelligent home devices   is a health risk’  that 5G technology is a   bathed in signals from masts.
          which rely on computing                       health risk, so building   For many years people – including
          power ‘in the cloud’                          new transmitter masts   young children with thin skulls – talked
          rather than in home hardware. Voice   must be stopped. If this should happen   by holding powerful transceivers close
          control will continue getting better at   5G black spots will blight the roll-out of   to their heads. Meanwhile, texting and
          recognising commands and handling   the service. In my neck of North West   messaging is often done on the lap.
          more complicated tasks – like room EQ.  London, rabid opposition to both 3G   So for well over 30 years we have been

            The end of wires and fibre would also   and 4G mast builds has already left some   guinea-pigs, with no hard evidence yet
          mean no need for home visits from men   networks suffering from patchy cover.  that cellphone signals are ionising and
          with shovels or engineers to fi ddle with   So far the 5G industry has done a   shredding our body cells. And 5G works
          junction boxes. We’d just get a receiver-  remarkably rotten job of disseminating   with similar powers at around 1GHz
          router delivered to the door to plug in   hard facts about 5G technology. So here   higher. Is that1GHz hike really likely to be
          – as with the existing into-the-home 4G   are a few to bear in mind. Into-the-home   a health-risk game-changer?

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