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O N D E M O N S T R AT I O N a t

                     OX F O R D AU D I O C O N S U LTA N T S

                 Traditional vs modern, sealed cabinet vs ported, solid wood vs composite vs aluminium,
                  which is best? In fact there is no one design approach for a great speaker. That’s why
                these three world-renowned loudspeaker specialists choose different techniques to bring
                                   you some of the  nest loudspeakers available today.

                      To learn more, for expert advice - and to listen of course - give us a call today.

              Magico A5                                                                    Wilson Audio Sabrina X

                  T E L E P H O N E                                                   S H O P A D D R E S S
              01865 790 879                                                       Cantay House, Park End Street
                                                                                       Oxford, OX1 1JD
                     E - M A I L
                                                                                     B U S I N E S S H O U R S
                                                                                 Tuesday - Friday: 10am to 6pm
                    W E B S I T E                                                   Saturday: 10am to 5pm
                                                                                   Closed: Mondays, Sundays
                                                                                        & Bank Holidays

                     Sign-up (on website) to our popular newsletter for the Latest News and Offers
                     Ask about our popular Buy Now Pay Later  nance - No Interest - Apply online
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