Page 131 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
P. 131
allows the tape to be brought into fixed guides, and some practice
contact with the heads for manual is required for quick threading.
and powered location of edit points, The latter is also impaired to some
a splicer is also built into the front degree by the high static back-
deck plate. Very comprehensive tension. The two capstans have
input and monitor source selections individual flywheels, both belt-driven
are also possible, such as those from one AC-powered servo-
permitting switched transfer of the controlled motor using a tacho
replay of one channel onto record of generator. The feed spool motor is
the next, with simultaneous mixing also servo-controlled to maintain
of flutter-echo effects, sound-on- optimum back-tension.
sound, and overdub material from One further change is that
other inputs, including microphone. the latching transport switches
Meanwhile, two headphone on earlier Sony models have here
sockets are provided, with adequate been replaced by illuminated touch
levels to drive high impedance buttons, with full logic control, and ABOVE: The investigated, it would appear to
‘orthodynamic’ types as well as a minimum of relays, with AC motor Revox B77 offer extended dynamic range not
the more sensitive switching, etc, now introduced a to mention low distortion.
moving-coil varieties. ‘The Sony being accomplished by number of
A headphone volume way of bridge-linked improvements TECHNICS RS-1500 US
control (monitor level) heads could transistor controls. over its A77 This award-winning recorder
is present, although the Sony’s own ferrite predecessor, most demonstrates Technics’ expertise
line outputs are semi- last the life magnetic heads are notably to the in the field of direct-drive motors.
fixed (preset controls of the deck’ used on the TC766-2, head block, motor In fact, the transport is reminiscent
can be found on the these carrying the and electronics. It of an established ’3M’ professional
rear panel). Finally, the ‘Symphase’ label which would go on to be deck, with a looped ‘U’ tape path
level meters sensibly indicate the indicates that special attention has produced in over over the heads isolated from the
modulation depth going onto or been paid to phase balance at high 50 variants feed and take-up reels by a large
coming off the tape, and are not frequencies between tracks. This is capstan as well as a dual pinch-
affected by replay level adjustment. vital to matrixed programmes but wheel system. The motors of course
also important in stereo. The low differ, the Technics capstan being
SONY TC766-2 wear rate of these heads means a quartz frequency controlled unit
A substantial machine of excellent that theoretically they could last with a massive integral fl ywheel.
finish and with a ‘solid’ feel, the out the life of the machine. This is the tape deck equivalent of
TC766-2 employs the company’s One final point is that with a the SP10 Mk II motor used in the
established dual-capstan tape large in-house tape manufacturing turntable of the same name.
transport which isolates the section plant in Japan as well as the USA, The precise speed control plus
of tape passing over the heads from it is perhaps not surprising that the minimal tape slip allows this deck
most reel tension irregularities. The TC766-2 is compatible with Sony’s to be fitted with an elapsed-time-
tape path itself is complex, with latest open-reel tape FeCr or ‘Dual’, indicator scaled in minutes and
damped tension arms, rollers and and while this has yet to be fully seconds – a marked improvement
over the arbitrarily scaled tape
position counters usually employed.
In addition, a variable pitch option is
included on the front panel.
The Technics RS-1500 US is also
equipped for direct DC operation
from an external 24V supply – for
example, two car batteries or a
24V NiCad pack – although some
LEFT: The Sony limitation on excessive fast winding
TC766-2 boasted is apparent in this mode, and the
the company’s panel lamps are also disconnected
tried-and-tested to conserve energy.
dual-capstan tape As with the Sony deck, the reel
transport along motors are servo-controlled, and
with its own in addition the RS-1500 US roller
ferrite magnetic bearing tension arms are air-piston
heads. The tape damped. In consequence, the deck
path was complex, attains a stable operating speed in
with damped under one second from start-up.
tension arms and The closed tape-loop also allows a
rollers guiding the relatively low tension value (80g),
tape along its way which minimises scrape fl utter
DECEMBER 2020 | www.hifi | 131