Page 51 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
P. 51

work begins with a black Urushi-painted   RIGHT: Fashioned
         undercoat, followed by another layer   from a high-grade
         that adds the red colour in a process that   duralumin, the Umami

         makes use of fine silver powder. To top   Red’s semi-enclosing
         this off, the Hana name is printed using a   body includes two

         fine gold powder and completed with a   M2.6 threaded inserts

         final protective lacquer coat. This is then   for locking tight into a
         comprehensively buffed for a perfect fi nish   headshell. The boron
         and shine. The overall effect is nothing   cantilever is fully
         short of stunning, so much so that my   exposed so cueing is
         installation of the cartridge was delayed   very easy but extra
         as I spent far too long simply admiring the   caution is required in
         fl awless craftsmanship...          general handling
           Fitment is aided immensely by two
         captive screw threads built into the top
         of the cartridge body. This will come as
         a relief to an audiophile nervous about
         damaging the body finish with the slip of

         a bolt and sharp, hexagonal nut. Do be
         aware, though, that these threaded holes
         are not especially deep, so short screws
         are a must. The cartridge is presented in a
         simple but elegant wooden box [pictured,   of high-tech groove diggers, blending the   beautifully centre-stage and projected
         p53] that also includes an instruction   depth and detail of the latter with a touch   superbly into the room, really putting the
         leaflet and stylus cleaning brush.   more warmth. Moreover, it succeeds in   listener at the heart of the action. Then

            The Umami Red tips the scales at   eliciting crisp detail without the slight   comes the saxophone solo at the end,
         10.5g and has a recommended tracking   hardness that can beset the performance   which arrives blessed with just the right
         force of precisely 2g, with no range given.   of brighter, typically more brittle-sounding   amount of rasp to sound realistic.
         I experimented with different forces only   pick-ups. Heck, it even has the feisty joie de   So far so good, then, but the real
         to find that 2g was indeed its sweet spot.   vivre of the good old Denon DL-103, whose   surprise is in the way the Umami Red

         Furthermore, the Umami Red also seems   recommended tracking                       can dig out the bass line
         very sensitive to azimuth adjustment, so   force of 2.5-2.8g some   ‘Above all, this   from deep down within
         do take the time to set it up correctly – if it   mistakenly fear will lead to     a track. In this instance,
         doesn’t have a big, enveloping soundstage   premature record wear.  pick-up has the   the repeated sliding
         then something’s not quite right.     In fact, the Hana Umami                      notes from the upright
                                            Red is not only a jack of all   boogie factor   bass came through with
             LOVE AT FIRST BITE             trades, it’s a master of most                   impressive weight, but
         With the Umami Red fitted to an SME 309   of them. It has an unerring   in spades’  the aspect that tickled me

         arm [HFN Sep ’19] on my Michell Gyro SE   ability to cut through to                most was the delicious
         turntable, my mouth almost watered as   the heart of a recording and find the very   squeak caused by Este Haim’s hand every

         I anticipated the sonic delights to come.   best lurking within. Aided by an ability to   time she lifted it off the strings. It’s this
         Would I end the evening leaning back   track securely, the result is clarity, detail   style of delivery that reminds us how some
         with a contented sigh or be                and depth, plus – above all – the   pick-ups will forensically dissect the vinyl
         searching for the number                       boogie factor in spades.  yet still lose sight of the overall musical
         of a late-night food                              Spin ‘Summer Girl’   message along the way. Not the Umami
         delivery service due to                          from Haim’s Women In   Red. It is able to lay an entire mix bare
         lack of fulfi lment? I                             Music Pt III [Polydor   while never forgetting that its purpose is to
         needn’t have worried                               0250813817], and the   convey all the joy of the music at hand.
         as the Umami Red                                   Umami Red captures
         is a compelling                                    the thump of the    FOOD FOR THOUGHT
         companion and, just                                drums with aplomb,   What’s more, it achieves all this with a
         like the first bite of                              punching them       pleasing ability to fill the soundstage

         a fine meal, had me                                  out with authority.   between the loudspeakers with precision.

         wanting more.                                       Danielle Haim’s    Its sense of front-to-back perspective is
           This cartridge                                    vocal is positioned   arguably as good as it gets at the price,
         slips neatly into the                                                  and ensures vinyl is a true 3D experience.
         high-end pick-up                                    LEFT: The pole piece   When it comes to the low end,
         scene, striking an                                  and front and rear yokes   the Umami Red digs deeply and with

         excellent balance                                   of the samarium-cobalt   confidence. Bass lines are picked up on,
         between the rose-                                   magnet assembly are all   brought to the fore and presented with

         tinted lushness of                                 cryogenically annealed,   a flourish. Now, that said, there are still
         some ‘traditional’ MCs                            as are the rear cartridge   times when this cartridge can be a little
         and the cooler analysis                          pins [see p53]        over-zealous when it comes to the really

                                                                                 DECEMBER 2020 | www.hifi | 51
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