Page 97 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
P. 97


         LADY A                             FRANCESCO PIEMONTESI, SCO/          OLIVE BROWN
         On This Winter’s Night (Deluxe) (96kHz/24-bit)  ANDREW MANZE           Empress Of The Blues (DSD64/128/256/512/DXD); Capitol Records Nashville 509994 04818 2 1  Mozart: Piano Concertos Nos 19 and 27, Rondo K386; 2xHD JA1184
         With a title like that, one might expect   (192kHz/24-bit, FLAC)       No, me neither – but not having discovered
         a cosy, huddled round the fi re album; Linn CKD622  Olive Brown until now is defi nitely my
         like the many festive offerings to have   Mozart’s K459 (No 19) is a wholly extrovert   loss, as is clear from a listen to this latest
         appeared in recent years, complete with   work well suited to this young Swiss   restoration project from the wonderful
         folksy instrumentation and ethereal vocals   pianist’s manner, whereas K595, the   2xHD label. Drawing on three of Brown’s
         seemingly designed for a John Lewis ad.   composer’s last piano concerto, brings one   1970s albums for the Jazzology label, this
         But that’s not what you get here from the   or two doubts. Whether or not you feel   compilation has been put together by

         outfit formerly known as Lady Antebellum   this is an ‘autumnal’ piece (and the booklet   converting the original analogue tapes
         – latterly rebranded despite the existence   note suggests Mozart was just looking for   via a custom-tubed Nagra and the label’s
         of a blues singer of the same name. Lady   a new approach) there is an underlying   in-house-designed ADC, and pretty special it
         A’s take on a seasonal album, originally   inwardness. The little fl ourishes Piemontesi   sounds. Yes, the tracks are defi nitely period

         released in 2012 as an expansion of an   gives the finale add exuberance, but in   pieces, but it’s clear that Brown, who died
         earlier six-track EP, is big, blowsy and   the Larghetto he cannot leave the writing   almost 40 years ago at just 60, both had

         bold. This good-time country take on   alone, and I do find his interventionist   serious pipes on her and could make even
         familiar tunes, with lush arrangements and   decorations – however justified in historical   familiar music by the blues greats her own.

         instrumentation, sounds suitably punchy   terms – excessive. In these clean, well-  She’s aided here by a band made up of
         and dynamic in its ‘Deluxe’ guise. The   balanced recordings the Scottish winds   old-school battle-hardened jazzers – listen
         saving grace in this good ol’ sentimentifest   really shine, Manze’s bold accompaniments   to them delivering ‘How Come You Do Me
         is the quality of the harmonies the trio   keeping pace with the soloist yet rather   Like You Do’, and I defy you not to smile.
         produce, at least when they manage to   lacking individuality. The cadenzas all have   However, be aware that there’s some
         soar above the glossy production. AE  an improvisatory feel: excellent. CB  confusion in the track-listing here. AE
         Sound Quality: 80%                 Sound Quality: 80%                  Sound Quality: 80%
          0              -            -            -            -            -            -            -            -        100  0              -            -            -            -            -            -            -            -        100  0              -            -            -            -            -            -            -            -        100

           LAB REPORT                         LAB REPORT                          LAB REPORT

           Recorded loud – every track peaks within   Another Philip Hobbs production for   Brown’s ’70s tapes are captured in DXD

           just 0.1dB of digital clipping (0dBFs)   Linn, this 192kHz file shows the slight   and resampled to DSD64-512. Encoding
           – the effective dynamic range of this   rise in ultrasonic noise and spuriae at 86-  leaves the MSB untouched so peaks are
           seasonal blast is limited to the top 1-2 of   94kHz seen before [HFN Jun ’20] but the   –6dBFs or lower. Limited ~20kHz range
           its 24-bits. But, no doubt, every ‘Hz’ of its  bandwidth is well used (strings to 40kHz)   means there’s no difference in content
           ~48kHz bandwidth is filled with song! PM  and peaks do not exceed –0.2dBFs. PM  from DSD64 to DSD128 [black]. PM

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