Page 92 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
P. 92

We do detail, like no other Headphone.

            The brand new range of headphones from Kennerton Audio features a new high end driver, a new
                 patented membrane which delivers better resolution, extraordinary tonal balance with
              a perfect sound stage. Our proprietary new drivers are designed and produced in Russia and
                     manufactured alongside aerospace and military industries ensuring the highest
                                                 quality and durability.

                                                                            Proprietary driver technology
                                                                          • A new 80mm planar-magnetic driver,
                                                                          with every aspect of this technology
                                                                          being implemented, such as phase
                                                                          FRKHUHQFH  ÁDW LPSHGDQFH DQG

                                                                          a low-mass diaphragm.

                                                                          ‡ 0XOWL OD\HU   —P SRO\LPLGH ÀOP
                                                                          diaphragm, tested to have the highest
                                                                          reliability and longevity in the most
                                                                          extreme environmental conditions.

                                                                            • FEM-Optimized Magnet System with
                                                                             10 neodymium magnets arranged in
                                                                              V\PPHWULF SXVK SXOO FRQÀJXUDWLRQ

                                                                               • Unique semi-circular bar magnets
                                                                               which has many advantages over
                                                                               the ordinary rectangular shaped
                                                                               bar magnets: It gives a more
                                                                               XQLIRUP PDJQHWLF ÀHOG  JUHDWO\

                                                                               reduces internal resonances and
                                                                              produces an optimal sound.

                                                                             • Our driver allows greater sensitivity,
                                                                            thanks to its powerful magnets and
                                                                          low-mass diaphragm. It can therefore be
                                                                          easily driven by portable devices.

          Model - Thror  £3,250

                                                        AUDIO   SYSTEMS
                                               DEALER ENQUIRIES WELCOME

                            Distributed by Signature Audio Systems, T: 01959 569842   M: 07738 007776
                         or by e-mail to:  Web:
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