Page 17 - Jaypro Sports Baseball 18
P. 17
Home Plates & Pitching Rubbers
Economy Home Plate
> Durable molded rubber construction
> 5 removable spikes included
HP-50 10 lbs $33 each 3Y
Bury-All Home Plate
> Durable all rubber construction HOME PLATES & PITCHING RUBBERS
> No-skid rubber waterproof surface
> No corners or edges to catch spikes
HP-100 24 lbs $89 each 3Y
Bury-All Home Plate
> Durable wood-filled construction
Major League Home Plate > No-skid rubber waterproof surface
> Durable molded rubber construction > No corners or edges to catch spikes
> Stanchion-mounted steel plate HP-150 29 lbs $99 each 3Y
> Easily removed for maintenance or
HP-200 Plate w/ 1½” Anchor
16 lbs $99 each 3Y
HP-250 Plate w/ 5 Zinc-Plated Spikes
16 lbs $129 each 3Y
Step Down
Pitching Rubber Removable Pitching Rubber
> Official Size: 24” long Ideal for diamonds where various levels
Heavy-duty all rubber construction or
Professional > wood-filled of play may require different pitching
Pitching Rubber > > Step down style for better footing distances.
Reduces pitcher’s mound maintenance
Heavy molded rubber
> Major League Size: 6” x 24” > Steel ground anchors included
> Durable four-sided molded rubber PR-524 19 lbs $82 each 3Y
exterior PR-424 Official (24” long)
> Interior PVC tube provides maximum Step Down 14 lbs $75 each 3Y
longevity PR-418 Youth (18” long)
> Fill with dirt or concrete for added Pitching Rubber
stability 10 lbs $65 each 3Y
> Little League Size: 18” long
PR-624 20 lbs > Same features as the (PR-524) Movable Pitching Rubber
$99 each 3Y PR-518 10 lbs $69 each 3Y Ideal for diamonds where various levels T: 800-243-0533 F: 800-988-3363
of play may require different pitching
Step Down distances.
Professional > Heavy molded rubber
Pitching Rubber Pitching Rubber > 3 removable metal spikes included
Official Size: 24” long
> Little League Size: 18” long > > Heavy-duty wood-filled construction PR-324 Official (24” long)
> Same features as the (PR-624) > Step down style for better footing 10 lbs $20 each 3Y
PR-618 10 lbs > Reduces pitcher’s mound maintenance PR-318 Youth (18” long) 15
$79 each 3Y PR-550 19 lbs $92 each 3Y 10 lbs $17 each 3Y
2018 Baseball.indd 15 11/14/17 9:58 AM