Page 20 - Jaypro Sports Baseball 18
P. 20

FIELD COVERS  Field Covers                                       Athletic Field Covers

                                                                                  6 oz silver/white woven polyethylene is lightweight
                                                                                  and UV resistant
                                                                                  Perimeter rope hem for extra finish and durability
                                                                                  New pull handles. Plastic grip makes them easier
                                                                                  to grip and pull cover
                                                                                  Rolling tube and 9” stakes sold separately
                                                                                  Available in multiple dimensions
                                                                                > > > >   Grommets spaced 10’-12’ apart around perimeter
                                                                                  2 year pro-rated warranty on material and
                                                                                >   Call for freight quote

                                                                                Please note AFC-170 requires 136 stakes, AFC-160
                                                                                requires 128 stakes, AFC-120 requires 96 stakes and
                                                                                AFC-90 requires 72 stakes.
                                        Rolling tube                                    SILVER  WHITE  (reversible)  FR 2Y

                    Field Cover                      28” Rolling Tube               9” Stakes         Sand Bags
                      Item    Dimension    Price       Item  Dimension    Price       Item   Price      Item    Price
                     AFC-170  170’ square  $6,299 each  RT-170  34’ length  $1,649 each  AFCS  $36 doz  AFCBAG $2.59 each
                     AFC-160  160’ square  $5,899 each  RT-160  34’ length  $1,649 each                14” x 25” polypro
                     AFC-120  120’ square   $3,899 each  RT-120  20’ length  $999 each                 sand bags with ties
                     AFC-90   90’ square  $2,599 each  RT-90  20’ length  $999 each

                                                                  SILVER      WHITE
                    Weighted                                  Spot Covers
                    Spot Covers                               >   Lightweight and durable rip-resistant 6 oz woven polyethylene covers
                    >   6 oz polyethylene silver/white cover with  >   Heat sealed to ensure waterproof protection
                      weighted hem                            >   Grommets spaced at 3’-4’ intervals
                    >   Stakes or sandbags not required       >   Stakes included
                    >   Color options available               >   Color options available                        1Y  ★
                    >   Call for freight quote    1Y  ★       >   Call for freight quote

                      Item       Description     Price          Item          Description        Dimensions     Price
                    WWMC18 Mound Cover 18’ round $625 each     AFC-PM    Pitcher’s Mound (7 stakes)  20’ Round   $266 each
                                                                           Home Plate (9 stakes)
                    WWMC20 Mound Cover 20’ round $740 each     AFC-BC3    Bases - Set (15 stakes)  10’ x 10’ set of 3  $246 each
                                                                                                  26’ Round
                                                                                                              $375 each
                    WWMC26 Mound Cover 26’ round  $935 each
   T: 800-243-0533     F: 800-988-3363   Infield Turf Protector

                                                                   8 oz vinyl-polyester mesh provides great protection for infield grass
                                                                    More durable than thinner 7 oz standard covers
                                                                    Edges double lock-stitched and grommets installed every 3’-4’
                                                                    Available in multiple colors and sizes
                                                                    Call for freight quote
                                                                                                     81 lbs
                                                                             Large (20’D x 24’ x 64’)
                                                                                                              $499 each
                                                                  ITP54M    Medium (15’D x 26’ x 56’)  Weight  $699 each
                                                                                                     59 lbs
            18                                                    ITP48S     Small (15’D x 20’ x 50’)  50 lbs  $399 each
                                                                   AFCS    9” Ground Stakes (Set of 12)  2 lb  $36 set
         2018 Baseball.indd   18                                                                                    11/14/17   10:05 AM
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