Page 12 - Hadar Athletic Catalog 2019
P. 12

Ordering options for the
         Hadar SLEDGE blocking sled.

                 2 Man    3 Man   4 Man   5 Man    6 Man   7 Man
         Full Body  HX1R02FB  HX1R03FB  HX104FB  HX105FB  HX106FB  HX107FB
         Cylinder  HX1R02CY  HX1R03CY  HX104CY  HX105CY  HX106CY  HX107CY
         Cone    HX1R02CO  HX103CO  HX104CO  HX105CO  HX106CO  HX107CO
                                                                         HX SERIES THE SLEDGE
         Weight   270      400     525     665      710     850
         Price   $1,225.00  $1,880.00  $2,595.00  $3,007.00  $3,286.00  $3,565.00  Teach players  to maximize dynamic power on the HX
                                                                         SLEDGE. Push through obstacles, shaking off the block or
                                                      Football Colors    maintaining the block.  Simple two man drills can be
                                                                         expanded. No longer be limited by mechanisms and
                                                                         springs. Teach the use of force against real weight and
                                                                         mass: no substitutes accepted.

                                                                         1. No springs to tension, break or lose
                                                                         2. Pads set at pad height
                                                                         3. Three separate pad designs available
                                                                         4. Intuitive hand placement and target graphics
                                                                         5. Angled runners glide smooth over turf and grass
                                                                         6. Powder coated and stainless steel components

                              THE SLEDGE

                                                                             $505.00 SSP

                         HX SERIES COACH’S PLATFORM

                         Comes standard at no charge with a 5 Man sled or larger.
                         Request: “FREECP” on your order. And can be ordered
                         separately as an optional add-on for any multipe unit set.
                         32” x 30” non-slip steel diamond plate tread base with
                         32” reinforced handle bar grip.

                         HXCP, Coaching Platform      $505.00 SSP

                         1. Powder coated all steel frame
                         2. Treaded steel base
                         3. Allows great view of all drills
                         4. Get right on top of the drill for instant feedback

         11    PHONE: 1-888-655-1606            1515 11TH ST. N, HUMBOLDT, IA 50548               FAX: 1-515-332-1448

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