Page 15 - Hadar Athletic Catalog 2019
P. 15

PADDING           RUGBY         GYMNASTICS            TRACK & FIELD          BASEBALL          FOOTBALL

                  HPRO18, 18” x 54” Hanging Dummy, $288.00 SSP
                  HPRO22, 22” x 54” Hanging Dummy, $478.00 SSP

                   Order with your choice of the
                   HPRO18 or HPRO22 hanging
                   dummies.                                             OPEN FIELD TACKLING APPARATUS - OFTA

                                                                        HX SERIES OFTA TACKLER

                                                                        Open Field tackling Apparatus (OFTA) is a game changer.
                                                                        Instead  of counting on an unrealistic wheel barrow to
                                                                        tackle, you can hit a dummy weighted to your exact speci-
                                                                        fication, coming downhill just like the best running back
                                                                        of your homecoming rival.
                                                                        1. Easy to set up and take down
                                                                        2. Heavy duty powder coated steel construction
                                                                        3. Smooth rolling action, coach initiated
                                                                        3. Wrap and connect in tackling - GRAB HIGH CLOTH!

                                                                        OFTA, SSP $4,059.00

                                                                        Order with your choice of the
                                                                        HPRO18 or HPRO22 hanging

                   TR4820, 48” Tackle Ring   $324.00 SSP                dummies.

                  Add the new Hadar TR4820 Tackle Ring
                  to open field tackling drills as well.
                  Shake off the Big Pro pad using the
                  OFTA then make the tackle on the ring.

                 CUSTOMER SERVICE: GENERAL@HADARATHLETIC.COM             HADARATHLETIC.COM                           14

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