Page 18 - Hadar Athletic Catalog 2019
P. 18
20’ long agility ropes with adjustable height from ground
level up to 18”. Includes ropes and frame.
1. Powder coated all steel frame
2. No sharp corners to fall on
3. Easy assembly with no tools or hardware
4. Order AFRAME, $245.00 SSP
Order replacement ropes to use
as agility ladders: AFROPE, $122.00 SSP
(with carry bag for easy storage)
AFRAME $245.00 SSP
BIG (3’x3’) High impact cross link filled plyometric
boxes, provide a solid base for all of your workouts
using plyometric boxes. From agility training to box
squats and everything in between, these plyometric
boxes are built to take it and not dish it out.
6”, 12” and 18” tall plyobox in each set (36” Max)
1. Heavy vinyl covers
2. Non-skid covers top and bottom
3. Velcro along full side
3. Easy carry handles
4. Order SPGSETR, $667.00 SSP
12” Square Plyobox
SPG12R $229.50 SSP
6” Square Plyobox
SPG6R $150.00 SSP
18” Square Plyobox
SPG24R $340.80 SSP
17 PHONE: 1-888-655-1606 1515 11TH ST. N, HUMBOLDT, IA 50548 FAX: 1-515-332-1448
Hadar Catalog Volume 64 V1 Print.indd 18 6/6/2017 10:45:50 AM