Page 23 - USA Sports - Troy Barbell Catalog 2019
P. 23
Product Description: The VERTPACISDV48 is for those who want to work out with a wider range of
dumbbells from lighter m4lbs( to heavier m48lbs(’ This package combines our bestIselling /Itier TIDR rack
with &8pr of our institutional grade cast iron &/Isided. VTX mSDIV( iron dumbbells’
Product Description: The VERTPACISDV48G utilizes our VTX vertical. UIsided GVDRI&7 to efficiently
store &7pair of VTX &/Isided mSDIV( iron dumbbells I 4. x. &8. &/ n &4I48lbs m4lb jumps( I in a smaller
Product Description: The VERTPACISDV&88 which utilizes our popular VTX 7Itier TDRI7 rack. is a
favorite of high schools because of its ability to store a full /8pr run of dumbbells m4 thru &88lbs( in a
relatively small workout space’ It’s loaded with our best. institutional grade. VTX &/Isided mSDIV( iron
Product Description: The VERTPACITSDR/4 combines the stylish and compact VTX GVDRIx rack with our
commercial grade Troy. TSDIR rubber dumbbells in 7. 4. x. &8. &/. &4. /8 n /4lbs’ It’s a great addition to any
hotelGmotel gym facility’
Product Description: The VERTPACITSDRH4 This package combines our rugged VTX 7Itier GTDRI7 shelf
rack with a &4pr run of our best Troy. TSDIR rubber dumbbells up to H4lbs’ It’s a great combo for smaller
University Rec Centers’
Product Description: The VERTPACIIHD48G utilizes our VTX vertical. UIsided GVDRI&7 to efficiently store
&7pair of mIHD( hex dumbbells: 4. x. &8. &/ n &4 thru 48lbs m4lb jumps( in a smaller footprint’’