Page 24 - USA Sports - Troy Barbell Catalog 2019
P. 24

                                  Product Description: The VERTPACgTSDR6wG utilizes our vertical) –gsided GVDRgkX to efficiently store
                                  kXpr of our best TSDgR rubber dumbbells g 6) O) kw) kx 8 k6g6wlbsI &6lb jumps. A favorite of municipalities and
                                  smaller corporate fitness centers because of its smaller footprint and the ability to store larger dumbbellsI

                                  Product Description: The VERTPACgIHD6w is for those who desire to work out with a wider range of
                                  dumbbells) from light to heavyI In this package) we utilize our stylish xgtier horizontal TgDR rack) with
                                  anatomically angled tiers) to store kwpr of iron hex dumbbells &IHD. from 6lbs to 6wlbs) in 6lb jumpsI

                                   Product Description: The THDgVPAC features kwpr of our brightly colored and branded VTX vinyl
                                   dumbbells) in klb jumps – k) x) X) 6) 7) 9) O) q 8 kwlb sizes g loaded onto our compact TgHDR dumbbell
                                   rackI Occupying only x– square inches of space) it’s a great addition to any personal trainers workout

                                   Product Description: The THDgNPAC features kwpr of our durable) branded VTX neoprene dumbbells) in
                                   klb jumps – k) x) X) 6) 7) 9) O) q 8 kwlb sizes g loaded onto our compact TgHDR dumbbell rackI Occupying
                                   only x– square inches of space) it’s a great addition to any personal trainers workout floorI

                                   Product Description: Our MDRgNPAC Aerobic Pac accommodates –X pairs of branded VTX neoprene
                                   dumbbells’ k–gklb) kxgxlb) kOgXlbI k7g6lb) k–gOlb 8 kxgkwlbI Our versatile MDR rack comes complete with
                                   a locking bar &padlock not included. to prevent unwanted removal of the dumbbellsI Options include heavy
                                   duty casters for mobility) and an undergaccessory rack to store 7pr of heavier dumbbellsI I

                                   Product Description: In our MDRgDNPAC Aerobic Pac ¬ pictured. –Xpr of VTX neoprene dumbbells in klb jumps g
                                   k–gklb) kxgxlb) qgXlb) qg–lb) Og6lb) Og7lb) 9g9lb) 9gOlb) 7gqlb 8 7gkwlb g are stored in our MDR rackI Same options applyI

                                   Product Description: Our MDRgVPAC Aerobic Pac accommodates –X pairs of brightly colored and branded)
                                   VTX vinyl dumbbells’ k–gklb) kxgxlb) kOgXlbI k7g6lb) k–gOlb 8 kxgkwlbI Our versatile MDR rack comes complete
                                   with a locking bar &padlock not included. to prevent unwanted removal of the dumbbellsI Options include heavy
                                   duty casters for mobility) and an undergaccessory rack to store 7pr of heavier dumbbellsI
                                   Product Description: In our MDRgDVPAC Aerobic Pac) ¬ pictured. –Xpr of VTX vinyl dumbbells in klb
                                   jumps g k–gklb) kxgxlb) qgXlb) qg–lb) Og6lb) Og7lb) 9g9lb) 9gOlb) 7gqlb 8 7gkwlb g are stored in our MDR rackI
                                   Same options applyI

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