Page 16 - NYC WHOMS Presidential High Tea_Journal 2019
P. 16

In Honor of Your Amazing Commitment to the

                                            New York City District

                     Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society

                  We Salute You on Your Well-Deserved Recognition!

                    MRS. ORRIS JANE UPSHAW GRIMES

                                  Mother A.M.E. Zion Church

                       Congratulations on being chosen as one of this year’s

                              honorees as a Local Parent Body President.

                     May God continue to grant you the strength to preserve

                   in the Kingdom’s work, the ability to serve with excellence

                           and the will to share your Agape Love with your
                             missionary society members and the church.

                        We are so happy and proud to be able to share this
                        special day with you.  Your unwavering devotion to

                          WH&OMS is truly a remarkable accomplishment.

                        Thank you for your tireless efforts in serving others

                     on behalf of our Heavenly Father.  May your dedication

            continue to be our inspiration in the service of the Kingdom of God.


                                         THE GRIMES FAMILY

                               Darrick, Yolanda, Brandon, Dylan, and Cameron

                                            Horace, Wendy, and Chloe
                      Darrell, Darrell, Jr., Demin, Sarai, Danielle, Truwynn and Iyani
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