Page 11 - NYC WHOMS Presidential High Tea_Journal 2019
P. 11


                                           Sis. Cynthia Wilson, Presiding

               The Musical Interlude

               The Procession of Presidential Honorees

               The Invocation and Blessing of the Food ............................................. Rev. Ruby Bell
                                                            ASSOCIATE MINISTER, MOTHER WALLS A.M.E. ZION CHURCH

               The Statement of Occasion ................................................................. Sis. Joan Capel
                                                                                  A.M.E. ZION CHURCH ON THE HILL

               The Selection ................................................................................... Sis. Glinda Clark
                                                                                        FIRST A.M.E. ZION CHURCH

               The Procession of Chapeaux, Hats, Fascinators & Cultural Crowns

                                                  ― Afternoon Tea ―

               The Hatitude Awards

               The Presentations to Presidential Honorees

               Remarks ....................................................................................... Sis. Cynthia Wilson
                                                                                         GENERAL CHAIRPERSON

                                                                                            Sis. Ruth Young
                                                                               PRESIDENT, NYC DISTRICT WH&OMS

                                                                                     Rev. A. Alfred Carson
                                                                 PRESIDING ELDER, NYC DISTRICT, A.M.E. ZION CHURCH

               Missionary Benediction ................................................ God be merciful unto us, and
                                                                           bless us and cause His face to
                                                                shine upon us and give us peace.  Amen
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