Page 10 - NYC WHOMS Presidential High Tea_Journal 2019
P. 10

at St. Johns Associates (an order mailing company) in the Bronx for twenty-nine (29) years, where
            she retired.  She has been a member of the Woods Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church for about twenty
            (20) years, serving in various capacities, namely as Chairperson of the Caribbean Auxiliary Club, the
            Steward Board and as  Life Members Chairperson of the Women’s Home  and  Overseas Missionary
            Society.  Barbara Harmitt work with other ministries in maintaining the cleanliness of the Church.
            This honoree is passionate about Church hospitality and works outside the sanctuary by planting
            flowers and beautifying the grounds of the Church.  As she looks back on my life, she can see clearly
            the hand of God guiding me. Barbara is thankful to God for my family, especially my grandchildren.
            Favorite scripture:  The LORD is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the
            strength of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

                                JOHN J. MOORE’S MEMORIAL A.M.E. ZION CHURCH
                                                   FLORENCE CARTER

                              Florence Y. Duchess Hines Carter was born on May 27th in Dalton, South Carolina
                              to Francena Hines and Roosevelt Gardner.  At the age of nine, the family relocated
                               to the borough of Bronx in New York City for a better life.  Florence or “Duchess”
                               (as her Mom called her) attended Elementary School and then went to Evander
                                 Childs High School.  After completing high school, she attended Voorhees
                                   College in Denmark, South Carolina, matriculating in 1981 with a degree in
                                    Political Science and Criminal Justice.  Florence met and married her late
                                     husband David Carter.  From that marriage, they had two daughters,
                                     Peaches (a/k/a Francena) and Tina (a/k/a Precious).   Florence loves her
                                     family, especially when becoming a grandmother.  When her mother and
                                    twin sister Frances became ill, Florence was right there by their side until
                                  they  passed.    Presidential  Honoree  Florence  Carter  became  a  member  of
            Woods A.M.E. Zion Church in 1985, where she became a member of the Senior Choir South Carolina
            Club, the Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society, and was consecrated a Deaconess.  She
            also served as a Preacher’s Stewart.  Currently, Florence attends John J. Moore’s Memorial A.M.E.
            Zion Church in the Bronx under the pastorate of Reverend Dr. Wayne Joseph.  At J.J. Moore’s, she
            serves as a Deaconess and is the Local President of the Parent Body Missionary Society.  In this role,
            she loves helping the seniors, those who are handicapped or the mentally challenged.  Sis. Florence
            Carter’s hobbies are crocheting, knitting and needlepoint, as well as singing.

                                 GREATER HOOD MEMORIAL A.M.E. ZION CHURCH
                                                  GLORIE R. BROWNE

                            Glorie R. Browne is the President of the W.H.&O.M. Society of the Greater Hood
                             Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church for the past three year.  She was born in Summerton,
                              S.C. where she was raised in a Christian home and educated in the public school.
                              Sis. Browne became a member of A.M.E. Zion in 1976, and joined Caldwell A.M.E.
                               Zion Church under the pastorate of the late Rev. Dr. Carnes McKinney.  As a
                               member at Greater Hood, this is where Glorie Brown heard her true calling by
                               joining the Christian Education Dept. and the Missionary Society under President:
                               Rev. Bertha Duncan.   After  Rev. Duncan  stepped  down, Sis.  Browne was
            appointed. As  President, the Society  had meetings monthly until she  became  sick in 2017.  She
            pressed on to still have meetings on the phone from time to time. Under her leadership, Caldwell
            was known as the church that gave out clothes, and we had many summertime fish dinners to raise
            funds. Since she has been in rehabilitation, First Lady Sis. Cheryl Walls stepped up to continue mission
            ministry for the Northern Manhattan nursing home. This year, she took it a step further to share socks
            and items with The Greater Harlem Nursing Home, as well as to collect toiletries for the homeless
            shelter in the community of Greater Hood Church. She is finally home but unable to attend Greater
            Hood Church, but pray that a special effort will be made to contribute medicinal supplies to the
            A.M.E. Zion Janie A. Speaks Hospital in Ghana, Africa.
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