Page 8 - NYC WHOMS Presidential High Tea_Journal 2019
P. 8

remember.  In 2017, Mary Jones was appointed as the WH&OMS Local President at Mother Walls A.M.E.
            Zions Church.   A Few Proud Moments: The Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society at Mother
            Walls has been busy throughout this conference year, working to support and uplift those within our
            communities that are less fortunate than ourselves.  The Parent Body and her local departments,
            along with other members of the  church,  prepared Christmas bags, with hat, scarfs/gloves,
            water/sandwiches and bible scriptures for homeless individuals. Participated in the Soup Kitchen @
            Caldwell “Pathheros” A program advocacy towards ending hunger, health disparities, via service
            education and outreach.  Lastly, we put together a project called “Helping Handbags”.  We collected
            40 women handbags  and filled them various items like lip gloss, hand  cream, tissue,
            toothbrush/toothpaste, along with an invite to come and fellowship with us at Mother Walls.  The
            handbags were given to women at a facility called Urban Pathways.  To God be the Glory; May He
            continues to use us, as we continue to be a blessing to others.

                                         BROWNSVILLE A.M.E. ZION CHURCH
                                                      MARVA TAITT BERNARD
                              Marva Taitt Bernard was born in Georgetown Guyana in South America and migrated
                               to the United States in 1993.  Wife of Michel Bernard, mother of Michaela Dettering
                               and Jenella Taitt.  Grandmother of Jace Mark and Mykhel Detteing.  Originally a
                               member of Holdoe’s  A.M.E. Zion Church,  she joined  Brownsville  A.M.E. Zion
                               Church.  Most of all, Marva loves the Lord and will continue to serve Him.  It is an
                               honor for Marva to represent Brownsville.  She is currently on the Deaconess Board.
                               For a long time she was the church administrative assistant.  She has served on
                                the Trustee Board, Usher Board and Stewardess Board.  She is a missionary from
                                the heart.  This honoree sends barrels of items back to her home, and she does
                                not give just “things”, she gives of herself and her funds.
                              At one point in time, Sis. Bernard owned her own business and many people came
            to her for help and she was always willing to assist in whatever area needed.  Some years ago, her
            church decided to purchase new Bibles and hymnals.  She purchased many of the Bibles and hymnals
            and donated them to the church.  She is a woman that trusts God in the good and bad times.  Her
            strength is in the Lord and His word. Her praise for God continues to be for the Lord and her growth
            in the mission field continues to expand.

                                            CALVARY A.M.E. ZION CHURCH
                                               DORA MICKLE-TIMMONS

                           Dora Mickle Timmons is a native of South Carolina. The daughter of Eddie and Inez
                              Mickle, about 42 years ago Dora relocated to New York City, where she met and
                               married her love, Luther Timmons.  They are the proud parents of Alysha Timmons
                                and loving grandparents to Courtney Hymes.  Dora is a former member of Good
                                 Hope A.M.E. Zion Church in Camden, South Carolina, and now worship at Calvary
                                  A.M.E. Zion Church where she currently serves as the President of the Women
                                  Home and Overseas Missionary Society, Co-Chairperson of the Trustee Board,
                                   and a member of the church choir.  Dora is also a member of the Gospel Group
                                  “The Calvary Group”, a singing group made up of people from a variety of
                                  different churches.  Dora is most proud of the Missionaries of Calvary because
            of the way we take care of our elderly members.  Not only do they bring them to church on Sunday
            mornings, we also make sure that during the week someone call and check on them to see if they
            need anything.  When our sick and shut-in are not able to attend service, a bulletin is mailed to keep
            them feel a part of the happenings at Calvary; letting them know they are still remembered and
            loved.  Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I
            said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8.
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