Page 73 - How to Sell Cloud Services for Resellers - HSCR
P. 73
Engaging with Business Decision Makers
Chief Pain Points Questions Implications
Cash Flow and 1. How much of your IT spend Most CFOs are unaware
Officer Financial is funded using Capex? of the benefits of Cloud
Performance Services.
2. How are you planning to These questions use the
improve cash flow by language of finance to get
switching to an Opex model them interested (Opex,
for IT and communications? Capex, Cash flow, risk).
This makes it easier to
3. What would be the engage and gives you the
advantages of having your opportunity to educate a
IT delivered on a pay as you valuable ally.
go basis?
4. How would it help the cash
flow if you were able to fund
your IT expense as needed?
5. How would it help if we could
show you a way of reducing
the risk of implementing IT