Page 3 - ParetoSpanish-one
P. 3
Functional Lesson Book
Step 1 (cont.)
In Spanish: I = yo
Now let’s take the Little Word “I” one step further:
I want __. * The blank before the period indicates that additional words will normally be inserted to complete the sentence.
Because “I want” contains a verb, it belongs to yet another classification of terms in the Mona Lisa Method®. I want __. is a “Starter Phrase”. Starter Phrases will bear italic type only.
Italic type indicates that the word or multi-word combination is classified as a Starter Phrase.
For example: I want __. is a Starter Phrase.
I want __. translated into Spanish is: Yo quiero __.
Notice that in this case “Yo” was capitalized because it was the first word in the sentence, and it lost its Little Word font because it became a part of the Starter Phrase: Yo quiero __.
Remember, “yo” is a Little Word with it’s own unique font, only when you see yo by itself. IMPORTANT: Whatever you do, please do not start crossing your eyes in confusion here!
Although it might not seem like it right now, learning the classifications and their respective fonts is going to give you the ability to exercise a huge amount of leverage very soon.
In fact, Little Words, Starter Phrases, etc. and their differing typography are going to become your best friend in no time—not your enemy! So don’t worry. All is good.
Have faith, and trust the Mona Lisa Method®. It will deliver, and deliver big. Let’s keep moving... So far we know:
The Little Word: I = yo
The Starter Phrase: I want __. = Yo quiero __.
How many times per day do you think you are going to say: I want __ (something)?
All the time!
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