Page 83 - manual_V5_11_9_2018_Html5
P. 83

Figure 6-4: The 45 Degree Line Based Calibration Chart used for “manual calibration” (comparing current model
               outputs with observations).
               Table Option. If the Table option is selected from the drop-down menu, an empty Calibration Data window
               will appear (see Figure 6-5). The first (header) line must include the following text:

               One observation per line may be added after the first line.

                   •  the 1  value is the well ID (WellID)
                   •  the 2  is ‘0’ (to indicate that the comparison is for steady state, or the current time step in the
                       case of transient modeling (Time)
                   •  the 3  is the x-coordinate of the observation (X), e.g., longitude
                   •  the 4  is the y-coordinate of the observation (Y) , e.g., latitude
                   •  the 5  is the well screen top elevation (Zf), in units of meters
                   •  the 6  is the well screen bottom elevation (Zt), in units of meters
                   •  the 7  is the layer index (LyrIndex), which can be used if the well is to be placed in a specific
                       geological/computational layer in the case that well screen top and bottom elevation information
                       is not available. By default, this value is set to ‘0’ so that the Zf and Zt values are used
                   •  the 8  is the head observation/field measurement (obs), in units of meters
                   •  the 9  is used to  specify long-type RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color of the data markers in the
                       calibration plot

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