P. 15
INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE (2008), a curriculum that values the
subjugated knowledge in general
The school needs teachers who are
realizes that indigenous knowledge is
critically conscious, socially just and
important not only for the culture that
inclusive of all children and the cultural
produced it but also for people from
funds of knowledge, they possess.
different cultures.
Google image:
In this regard, cultural inclusion and the
value of indigenous knowledge, so that
all ways of knowing are incorporated
into teaching and learning. Malvern
High School learners are from diverse Google image:
cultural and religious backgrounds, it is
very important for teachers to Therefore, restoring respect for other
incorporate indigenous knowledge in peoples’ cultures can be achieved by
the teaching and learning process. The hosting and celebrating different
rationale for the stating this is because, cultures especially during international
integrating indigenous knowledge in day, Heritage Day and Africa day.
teaching and learning help to teach These days should not only be
learners different cultures and teach celebrated by wearing different cultural
them to respect and appreciate other and religious attires, but teachers
peoples’ cultures and religions. should create different stations that
According to Kincheloe and Steinberg teaches about different ways of doing
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