P. 5
School context
English is the language of teaching and these classes, there are 24 registration
learning and is also a home language classes, and there are 24 register
for all learners. First additional teachers. out of these classes there is
languages include Isizulu, Afrikaans, a workshop which is used by the EGD
Mandarin and French. The learners that teacher and learners, there are two
are learning French and Mandarin as a science labs and one computer lab.
first additional language, are learners The computer lab is only accessed by
from the other African countries and the computer application technology (CAT)
South African learners are learning learners and other learners are not
IsiZulu and Afrikaans as the first allowed to use the lab.
additional language. Learners in FET
All classes are equipped with projector
phase are doing eight subjects in their
screen but there are no overhead
respective grades and in the GET
projectors. Other classes have
phase, are doing seven subjects.
educational charts and learner-
There are 42 staff members in this designed posters on the wall and others
school, of 34 teachers including the do not have charts or posters.
principal and his deputies, 3 However, all the classes are fully
administration officers or clerks and 5 equipped with chairs and tables. There
cleaners. There are 35 classes. in are enough chairs and tables.
Fully furnished grade 9 & 12 classes.
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