P. 7

for  the  school  assembly,  for  soccer

                                                                practice  and  matches.  Next  to  the
                                                                soccer  field  there  is  a  tuckshop  were

                                                                learners  and  staff  buy  food,  the  tuck
                                                                shop is opened from morning until

                Flower garden.

               Next to the staff room, there is another

               small  staffroom,  where  teachers  keep
               documents and class keys.  Outside the

               staff  room  is  a  lapper  for  teachers  to

               relax and is also used during functions.
               All  deputy  principals  and  HODs  have

               their own offices and all teachers have
               their own classes in the administration

               block  and  other  buildings  around  the

               The school hall is situated in the middle

               of  the  school  and  there  is  carport  for
               teachers’ parking and the school yard

               are paved and decorated by stones and
               is surrounded by trees.  In the school

               yard,  there  are  two  soccer  field,  a
                                                                Learners in an assembly in one of the
               bottom soccer field which is not used as
                                                                soccer    fields    for   prayer     and
               it does not have goal post and the top
               soccer field which is used on Mondays

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