Page 11 - SAEINDIA Magazine December 2020
P. 11
The term ‘Hyperloop’ has created quite a buzz in the transportation sector.
Hyperloop consists of a sealed tube or a system of tubes transport load much better. Indeed, Hyperloop will be
with very low air pressure inside, through which a pod the “inter-city metro”.
can travel at large speeds for transporting passengers The development of Hyperloop technology requires
or cargo. In today’s fast-paced world, the transportation high tech research and engineering to a great
sector is facing challenges to keep up with the growing extent, considering various challenges that the tube
requirements and expectations while trying to find a structure and the travelling pod have to handle. The
balance between speed, efficiency, and environmental tube structures should meet all the infrastructural
sustainability. Hence, many contributors, as well as and operational requirements for facilitating a high-
institutions all around the globe, are striving to make the speed travelling pod across the different landscapes
newly proposed solution of Hyperloop a reality. Due to its and throughout the year. The pod will require a lot
unique features, it has been often looked upon as the 5 of multi-disciplinary innovations to put together
mode of transportation.
all the subsystems of propulsion, braking, power
Hyperloop can strongly compete with systems, controls, communications,
the other conventional transportation structures, and suspension.
means on multiple verticals of The safety and comfort of the
speed, energy, and economic costs. passengers hosted inside the
However, the infrastructural and other passenger cabin area of utmost
complexities do not restrict India to priority.
be outside the viable zone. Hyperloop Early Beginnings of Tube
can have potential implementations Transportation
for freight as well as passenger
transport in the country. In fact, In 1799, designer George Medhurst
Hyperloop can play a significant role proposed a plan to move products
in handling the inter-city passenger through cast-iron lines utilizing
gaseous tension. In 1844, he