Page 3 - MSK assignment
P. 3
3 F. Elahi
articular cartilage at the humeral trochlea, the trochlear notch of the ulna, and the radial head.
However, the extension of the elbow is limited due to the contact of the olecranon with the
posterior humeral fossa. The flexion of the elbow is limited by the bulk of the anterior muscles
and tension of the triceps (Bianchi & Martinoli, 2007).
Joint Capsule
The joint capsule of the elbow has a thin, outer fibrous
capsule and inner synovial lining. The anterior joint capsule has
an insertion into the anterior humerus. This insertion is seen
proximal to the coronoid and radial fossa and distal to the
coronoid process of the ulna and annular ligament. In the
posterior aspect, the joint capsule inserts onto the humerus,
proximal to the olecranon process.
Fat pads
There are two fat pads seen in the region of the elbow. The anterior fat pad is in the
coronoid fossa. The posterior fat pad is in the olecranon fossa. The posterior fat pad is larger
than the anterior fat pad (O’Neill, 2008)
Muscles of the elbow
Muscle Origin Insertion
Brachialis -Lower half of anterior -Coronoid process of ulna
surface of humerus
Long Head Biceps Brachii -Supraglenoid tubercle -Radial tuberosity
scapula -Bicipital aponeurosis
Short Head Biceps Brachii -Coracoid process of scapula -Radial tuberosity
-Bicipital aponeurosis
Brachioradialis -Lateral supracondylar ridge -Styloid process of radius
of humerus -Distal ½ of radius
-Antebrachial fascia
Extensor Carpi Radialis -Lateral supracondylar ridge -Dorsum of second
Longus of humerus (lower ⅓) metacarpal at base
Extensor Carpi Radialis -Common extensor tendon -Dorsum of third metacarpal
Brevis -Supracondylar ridge of at base
humerus (Lateral)
Extensor Digitorum -Lateral epicondyle of -Extensor expansion of digits
humerus via common 2–5
extensor tendon