Page 4 - MSK assignment
P. 4

4       F. Elahi

                Extensor Digiti Minimi          -Lateral epicondyle of         -Joins extensor digitorum
                                                humerus via common             tendon to fifth digit; inserts
                                                extensor tendon                into extensor expansion

                Extensor Carpi Ulnaris          -First head—lateral            -Medial side base of fifth
                                                epicondyle of humerus via      metacarpal
                                                common extensor tendon
                                                Second head—posterior
                                                border of ulna

                Supinator                       -Lateral epicondyle of         -Lateral side, proximal
                                                humerus, supinator crest and  one-third of radius
                                                fossa of ulna, radial collateral
                                                and annular ligaments

                Medial Flexor Carpi Radialis    -Medial epicondyle of          -Base of second and third
                                                humerus via common flexor      metacarpals
                                                tendon; antebrachial fascia
                                                and intermuscular septa

                Flexor Carpi Ulnaris            -Medial epicondyle of          -Pisiform, hook of hamate,
                                                humerus via common flexor      base of fifth metacarpal
                                                -Ulnar head from medial
                                                border of olecranon and
                                                upper two-thirds of posterior

                Flexor Digitorum Superficialis  -Superficialis Common flexor   -Shafts of middle phalanges
                                                tendon (humeroulnar head)      digits 2-5
                                                -Radius (Middle ⅓, radial

                Palmaris Longus                 -Medial epicondyle of          -Flexor retinaculum (centre);
                                                humerus via common flexor      superficial portion of palmar
                                                tendon                         aponeurosis

                Pronator Teres                  -Medial epicondyle of          -Radius at mid shaft (Lateral)
                                                humerus via common flexor
                                                tendon (humeral head)
                                                -Coronoid process of ulna
                                                (ulnar head)

                Triceps Brachii - Long Head     -Infraglenoid tubercle of      -Olecranon process of ulna

                Triceps Brachii - Lateral Head  -Humerus (Posterolateral)      -Olecranon process of ulna
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