Page 26 - Harvard Business Review, November-December 2018
P. 26

100 The Ranking

              1      PABLO ISLA, INDITEX                                          

                                    COUNTRY                  START YEAR               INDUSTRY
                                    SPAIN                    2005                     RETAIL

                                    INSIDER                  MBA                      FINANCIAL RANKING

                                                                                    29

                                    SUSTAINALYTICS RANKING   CSRHUB RANKING
                                    60                       128

             2       JENSEN HUANG, NVIDIA                                         

             3       BERNARD ARNAULT , LVMH                                       

             4       FRANÇOIS-HENRI PINAULT, KERING                               

     This consistency is the result not just of an unwavering leadership style but of the way HBR

     measures performance. In a business world that often seems obsessed with today’s stock price

     and this quarter’s numbers, our ranking takes the long view: It’s based primarily on financial
     returns over each CEO’s entire tenure—and because these CEOs have been successful, many have

     enjoyed a long run in the job. (CEOs on the list have been in the position for an average of 16

     years, versus an average in 2017 of 7.2 years for S&P 500 CEOs.) To calculate the final rankings,

     we also factor in each company’s rating on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.

                                                            This focus on career numbers results in a
         Methodology & Data                                 ranking with limited annual churn. Seven of this

         To compile our list of the world’s best-           year’s top 10, and 18 of the top 25, were ranked
         performing CEOs, we began with the                 at those levels last year. In a typical year, from
         companies that at the end of 2017 were             one-quarter to one-third of CEOs in the prior
         in the S&P Global 1200, an index that
         comprises 70% of the world’s stock                 year’s ranking fall off owing to retirement,
         market capitalization and includes
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