Page 28 - Harvard Business Review, November-December 2018
P. 28

Incorporating three metrics is a balanced          performing leader each year we’ve compiled the
         and robust approach: While country-                ranking since we began using our current
         adjusted and industry-adjusted returns
         risk being skewed toward smaller                   methodology, in 2014. And since Bezos first
         companies (it’s easier to get large                topped the list, in November of that year, the

         returns if you start from a small base),           company’s stock price has grown more than
         the change in market capitalization is
         skewed toward larger companies.                    sixfold.

         To measure performance on nonnancial
         issues, HBR consulted with                         20 of the CEOs lead
         Sustainalytics, a leading provider of              companies based
         environmental, social, and governance

         (ESG) research and analytics that works            outside their countries
         primarily with nancial institutions and           of birth. 32 have an MBA,
         asset managers, and with CSRHub, which             up from 29 last year. 34
         collects, aggregates, and normalizes ESG
         data from nine research rms and works             have an engineering
         mainly with companies that want to                 degree, up from 32 last

         improve their ESG performance. We
         computed one ESG rank using                        year. On average, they
         Sustainalytics ratings and one using               became CEO at age 44
         CSRHub ratings for every company in our            and have been in ofce
         data set. To calculate the nal ranking,
         we combined the overall nancial                   16 years. 3 are women,
         ranking (weighted at 80%) and the two              up from 2 last year. 87

         ESG rankings (weighted at 10% each),
         omitting CEOs who left ofce before June           are insiders, up from 81
         30, 2018.                                          last year.

         HBR’s list of best-performing CEOs was
         conceived by Morten T. Hansen,                     One of the tests of any leader is how he or she
         Herminia Ibarra, and Urs Peyer. Previous           adapts to a shifting environment. Among the
         rankings have been published in HBR in

         2010 and annually since 2013; the                  biggest shifts companies face right now is in the
         rankings prior to 2014 utilized different          global political environment. The rise of
         methodologies.                                     populism as a potent force is most apparent in

                                                            the election of Donald Trump and Great Britain’s
              Download the Data Behind the
                        Ranking                            departure from the European Union, but it’s
                                                            evident in many other regions, too. For business

                                                            leaders, especially in manufacturing, this has

                                                            brought the threat (and sometimes the reality)
     of tariffs and trade wars, along with industry-specific opportunities and challenges.
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