Page 14 - HBR's 10 Must Reads for New Managers
P. 14

              Idea in Practice

              To succeed as a new manager, Hill suggests replacing myths with
                                         To manage
              Myth         Reality       effectively . . .   Example

              Managers wield   You are enmeshed   Build relationships   A U.S. media-
              significant author- in a web of relation-  with people outside   company manager

              ity and freedom  ships with people   your group that your  charged with setting
              to make things   who make relent-   team depends on to  up a new venture
              happen.      less and conflicting   do its work.   in Asia initiated
                           demands on you.              regular meetings
                                                        on regional strategy
                                                        between executives
                                                        from both busi-
              Managers’ power  Your power comes   Demonstrate charac-  An investment bank
              derives from   from your ability to   ter (intending to do   manager won em-
              their formal   establish credibility   the right thing),   ployees’ respect by
              position in the   with employees,   managerial compe-   shifting from show-
              company.     peers, and    tence (listening more  ing off his technical
                           superiors.    than talking), and   competence to
                                         influence (getting   asking them about
                                                        their knowledge and
                                         others to do the
                                         right thing).   ideas.
              Managers must   Control doesn’t   Build commitment   Instead of demand-
              control their   equal commitment.   by empowering   ing that people do
              direct reports.   And employees   employees to   things her way, a
                           don’t necessarily   achieve the team’s   media manager
                           always follow   goals—not ordering  insisted on clarity
                           orders.       them.          about team goals
                                                        and accountability
                                                        for agreed-upon

              and implementing an agenda for a whole group, something for
           which their careers as individual performers haven’t prepared them.
               Take the case of Michael Jones, the new securities-firm branch
             manager I just mentioned. (The identities of individuals cited in
            this article have been disguised.) Michael had been a broker for 13
           years and was a stellar producer, one of the most aggressive and in-
             novative professionals in his region. At his company, new branch
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