Page 16 - HBR's 10 Must Reads for New Managers
P. 16
To manage
Myth Reality effectively . . . Example
Managers lead Actions directed Pay attention to After granting a
their team by at one subordinate your team’s overall special parking
building relation- often negatively performance. Use spot to a vet-
ships with indi- affect your other group-based forums eran salesman—a
vidual members employees’ morale for problem solving move that ruThed
of the team. or performance. and diagnosis. Treat other salespeople’s
subordinates in an feathers—a new
equitable manner. sales manager
began leading
his entire team
rather than trying
to get along
well with each
Don’t Go It Alone
• Recognize that your boss is would handle a thorny situa-
likely more tolerant of your tion, and solicit his thoughts
questions and mistakes than on your ideas
you might expect
• Find politically safe sources
• Help your boss develop you. of coaching and mentoring
Instead of asking your boss from peers outside your
to solve your problems, function or in another
present ideas for how you organization
individual competence and achievements, so no one was surprised
when the regional director asked him to consider a management ca-
reer. Michael was confident he understood what it took to be an ef-
fective manager. In fact, on numerous occasions he had commented
that if he had been in charge, he would have been willing and able
to fix things and make life better in the branch. After a month in his
new role, however, he was feeling moments of intense panic; it