Page 10 - Harvard Business Review, Sep/Oct 2018
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whether you’re overestimating your   ORGANIZATIONS SUCH                 embrace this form of rest. Tony Hsieh,
           sleep (we often forget about periods of                                 the CEO of Zappos, is a nap proponent,
                                                                                   and organizations such as Google and
           wakefulness in the night) and whether   AS GOOGLE HAVE NAP              PriceWaterhouseCoopers have nap pods for
           there are patterns you can change. For                                  employees, understanding that 20 minutes
           example, you might find that although   PODS FOR EMPLOYEES,             of downtime can make people more
           you’re in bed for seven hours a night,                                  effective and productive for many more
           you’re getting only five hours of sleep,   UNDERSTANDING THAT           hours that day.
           fragmented into small segments. Or                                        As a leader, even if you fail to get enough
           perhaps you notice that your bedtime   20 MINUTES OF DOWNTIME           sleep yourself, you should be careful to
           drifts later on the weekend, leading to   CAN MAKE PEOPLE MORE          promote good sleeping behavior. Your
           “social jet lag” on Monday, when you                                    employees are watching you for cues about
           have to return to your earlier waking time.   PRODUCTIVE.               what is important. Avoid bragging about
           With this information, you can make                                     your own lack of sleep, lest you signal to
           adjustments, such as taking a relaxing                                  your subordinates that they, too, should
           bath before bed in hopes of getting more                                deprioritize sleep. If you absolutely must
           sustained rest, or hitting the sack earlier                             compose an e-mail at 3 am, use a delayed-
           on Saturday and Sunday nights.                                          delivery option so that the message isn’t
             Leaders often overlook two other                                      sent until 8 am. If you must pull an all-
           tools. The first is treatment for sleep                                 nighter on a proj ect, don’t hold that up as
           disorders. By some estimates, up to 30%                                 exemplary behavior.
           of Americans experience insomnia, and                                     For pro-sleep role models, look to CEOs
           more than 5% suffer from sleep apnea. A                                 such as Ryan Holmes of Hootsuite (“It’s
           large majority of people with these issues                              not worth depriving yourself of sleep for
           are never diagnosed or treated. If you are                              an extended period of time, no matter how
           overweight, have a thick neck, snore, and                               pressing things may seem”); Amazon’s
           spend adequate time in bed at night but                                 Bezos (“Eight hours of sleep makes a big
           still feel tired, you may have sleep apnea.                             difference for me, and I try hard to make
           Partners or spouses are often the first to                              that a priority”); and Huffington, the CEO
           notice the symptoms, but official diagnoses                             of Thrive Global, who wrote a whole book
           are typically made after a sleep study that                             on the subject.
           measures oxygen levels and brain waves.                                   It is clear that you can squeeze in more
           You might then be prescribed a continuous                               work hours if you sleep less. But remember
           positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask to                                 that the quality of your work—and your
           wear at night; by keeping nasal and throat   The other overlooked tool for getting   leadership—inevitably declines as you do
           airways open, these devices greatly help   more rest is napping. Too often, leaders   so, often in ways that are invisible to you.
           sleep apnea patients.               view nap breaks as time spent loafing   As Bezos says, “Making a small number of
             As for insomnia sufferers, they’re   instead of working. However, research
           typically aware of the problem but may   clearly indicates that dozing for even   key decisions well is more important than
                                                                                   making a large number of decisions. If you
           not know how to fix it. Jared Miller, Sophie   20 minutes can lead to meaningful   shortchange your sleep, you might get a
           Bostock, and I examined an online program   restoration that improves the quality of   couple of extra ‘productive’ hours, but that
           that uses cognitive behavioral therapy   work. A brief nap can speed up cognitive   productivity might be an illusion.” Even
           to combat this disorder. We found that   processing, decrease errors, and increase   worse, as my research highlights, you’ll
           participants who were randomly assigned   stamina for sustained attention to difficult   negatively affect your subordinates.
           to the program experienced improved   tasks later in the day. One study found   If instead you make sleep a priority,
           sleep, more self-control, better moods, and   that as little as eight minutes of sleep   you will be a more successful leader who
           higher job satisfaction, and they became   during the day was enough to significantly   inspires better work in your employees.
           more helpful toward colleagues. The   improve memory.                   Don’t handicap yourself or your team by
           treatment cost only a few hundred dollars   Many cultures outside the United   failing to get enough rest.
           per participant, indicating a substantial   States have embraced naps as a normal
           return on investment. I’m currently in   and desirable activity. In Japan, inemuri,         HBR Reprint R1805K
           the early stages of another study that will   or napping at work, is typically viewed
           measure the effects of this treatment on   positively. Midday siestas have long   CHRISTOPHER M. BARNES is an associate professor
           leader behaviors and follower outcomes,   been part of work life in Spain. Now   of management at the University of
           and I expect similarly beneficial effects.  some American leaders are beginning to   Washington’s Foster School of Business.

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