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HEALTH CARE                MARKETING                  MANAGING YOURSELF           LEADERSHIP

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                           Turning passion and perseverance   THOMAS H. LEE  The        5  6
                                Chief medical officer,
                                Press Ganey
                           into performance: the view from   ANGELA L.   Good -         7  8
                           the health care industry  DUCKWORTH                                   DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN
                                Psychology professor,
                                University of Pennsylvania
                      Grıt             Better -                                      SERENA CHEN  LINCOLN
                                                                                     Professor, University
                                                                                              and the Art of
                                       Approach to
                                                                                     of California, Berkeley
                                                                                    Yourself a
                                          Founder, Culture of Profit
                           HIGH ACHIEVERS HAVE  extraordinary stamina. Even if they’re already at the top of   Prıcing  RAFI   MOHAMMED                    Give  Transformative
                           their game, they’re always striving to improve. Even if their work requires sacrifice, they   or decades the auto insurance industry
                           remain in love with what they do. Even when easier paths beckon, their commitment is   operated on a simple assumption:   LEADERSHIP
                           steadfast. We call this remarkable combination of strengths “grit.”  Consumers are highly price-sensitive,
                           Grit predicts who will accomplish challenging goals. Research done at West Point, for
                                        and most will buy the least-expensive
                           example, shows that it’s a better indicator of which cadets will make it through training   plan they can find. But in the early 2000s     Break: The
                           than achievement test scores and athletic ability. Grit predicts the likelihood of graduating   Allstate conducted some research that
                           from high school and college and performance in stressful jobs such as sales. Grit also, we   caused it to revisit that assumption. Price
                           believe, propels people to the highest ranks of leadership in many demanding fields.  hit with premium hikes if they’re in an accident. And drivers     Power of Self-  o the times make the leader, or does the   providing case histories that illustrate the skills and strengths
                                        does matter, it learned, but there’s more to
                           In health care, patients have long depended on the grit of individual doctors and
                      HULTON ARCHIVE / STRINGER/GETTY IMAGES  ►  People in gritty organizations unite behind an   with clean records want to be rewarded.  Compassion  D Doris Kearns Goodwin explores in her    periods of great upheaval.
                                        the story: Many drivers worry about being
                           nurses. But in modern medicine, providing superior care has become so complex that
                                                                                                   that enabled these four men to lead the United States through
                                                                                               leader shape the times? How can a leader
                           no lone practitioner, no matter how driven, can do it all. Today great care requires great
                                                                                               infuse people’s lives with a sense of purpose
                                                                                               and meaning?
                                                                                                   The article that follows is excerpted from her case study
                                       Armed with those insights, in 2005 Allstate launched Your
                                       Choice Auto. The program relied heavily on modifications to a
                                                                                                   of Lincoln’s pivotal decision to issue and guide to fruition the
                                                                                               These are among the questions that
                                                                                                   Emancipation Proclamation—a purpose that required the
                                       feature in the company’s standard policy (which it continued
                                       selling) called accident forgiveness, in which drivers who went
                                                                                                   support of the cabinet, the army, and, ultimately, the American
                                                                                             new book, Leadership in Turbulent Times, which examines
                                                                                                   people. Rarely, Goodwin notes, was a leader better suited to
                           important common goal. In 1942 women in Chrysler’s
                                                                                             four singular styles of leadership: transformative, crisis
                                       five years without accident claims would have no premium
                           Chicago bomber plant stepped into new roles to
                                       increase after their first accident. It introduced a Value plan,
                                                                                             management, turnaround, and visionary. She follows the course
                                                                                                   been his birthright; resilience his keystone strength. Possessed
                                       priced 5% below Standard, that didn’t include accident for-
                                                                                             of leadership development in the careers of Abraham Lincoln,
                           support the Allied war effort.
                                       giveness. A new Gold plan, priced 5% to 7% above Standard,
                                                                                             Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, and Lyndon Johnson,   the challenge of the fractured historical moment. Struggle had
                                                                                                   of a powerful emotional intelligence, Lincoln was both merciful
           Thomas H. Lee and Angela L.   APPROACH TO PRICING     THE POWER OF SELF-          OF TRANSFORMATIVE
           Duckworth | page 98
                                      Rafi Mohammed | page 106   COMPASSION                  LEADERSHIP
           Grit, a combination of passion and                    Serena Chen | page 116      Doris Kearns Goodwin | page 126
           perseverance, predicts success in   Companies often crimp profits by
           many demanding fields. A perfect   using discounts to attract price-  When we experience a setback at   In her most recent book,
           example is health care, where   sensitive customers and by failing   work, we tend to either become   Leadership in Turbulent Times,
           the grit of individual doctors and   to give high-end customers reasons   defensive and blame others, or   Goodwin examines the careers
           nurses has saved many lives. But   to spend more. A multitiered   berate ourselves. Neither response   of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore
           today providing superior care is so   offering can use a stripped-down   is helpful. Shirking responsibility   Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, and
           complex that no lone practitioner   product (the “Good” option) to   by getting defensive may alleviate   Lyndon Johnson, illustrating how
           can do it all. Great care requires   attract new customers, the existing   the sting of failure, but it comes   their skills and strengths enabled
           gritty teams that never stop striving   product (“Better”) to keep current   at the expense of learning.   them to lead the United States
           for improvement and institutions   customers happy, and a feature-  Self-flagellation, on the other   through periods of great upheaval.
           that exhibit grit across entire   laden premium version (“Best”) to   hand, may feel warranted in the   In this article she looks at Lincoln’s
           systems of providers.      increase spending by customers   moment, but it can lead to an   pivotal decision to issue the
            In this article Duckworth, the   who want more.      inaccurately gloomy assessment of   Emancipation Proclamation—which
           author of the best seller Grit, and   There’s nothing new about this   one’s potential, which undermines   required the support of his cabinet,
           Lee, a clinician and health care   concept, of course—think of the   personal development.   the army, and the American
           leader, describe health care’s   different grades of fuel at any gas   Research shows that we   people. Possessed of a powerful
           new model of organizational grit.   station and the varying packages   should respond instead with   emotional intelligence, he was
           It begins with hiring people with   marketed by cable TV providers,    self-compassion. People who do   able to mediate among factions
           grit—who love what they do, always                    this tend to demonstrate three   and sustain the spirits of his
           want to get better, and are resilient   A G-B-B PLAN HELPS   behaviors: First, they are kind   countrymen. Among the powerful
           in the face of setbacks. Their single-                rather than judgmental about   lessons Lincoln’s leadership
           minded determination stems from   BUYERS UNDERSTAND   their own failures and mistakes;   embodied: Acknowledge when
           a clear personal-goal hierarchy,                      second, they recognize that failures   failed policies demand a change in
           in which shorter-term objectives   FEATURES AND THINK   are a shared human experience;   direction. Anticipate contending
           support a top-level goal that gives                   and third, they take a balanced   viewpoints. Set an example. Refuse
           direction to everything they do.   ABOUT WHICH ONES   approach to negative emotions   to let past resentments fester.
            To be gritty, organizations   THEY VALUE.            when they stumble or fall short—  Protect colleagues from blame.
           must have a similar clarity about                     they allow themselves to feel bad,   Establish trust.
           priorities, and their top-level goal                  but they don’t let negative emotions   “In a great convergence of the
           and their employees’ must be                          take over.                  man and the times,” Goodwin
           aligned. If everyone is pursuing a   to name just two examples—yet   Self-compassion boosts   writes, “Abraham Lincoln’s
           separate passion, a culture won’t   many companies and industries   performance by triggering the   leadership imprinted a moral
           be gritty. The gritty health care   have failed to embrace it. The   “growth mindset”—the belief that   purpose and meaning on the
           organizations the authors have seen   author, a consultant who has   improvement is achievable through   protracted misery of the Civil War.”
           (such as Mayo Clinic and Cleveland   helped many organizations adopt   dedication and hard work. It also
           Clinic) all make “putting patients   G-B-B pricing, presents a step-  helps us connect with a more
           first” their overarching goal and   by-step guide to devising, testing,   authentic self.
           use it to guide every decision. They   and launching the strategy. Key   HBR Reprint R1805J
           also work to cultivate grit by, for   steps include identifying “fence”
           example, setting high expectations;   attributes that will prevent current
           offering the resources, support, and   customers from trading down
           trust people need to keep learning   from the existing offering; carefully
           and growing; and establishing   choosing features and names to
           strong social norms that promote   create clear differentiation and   POSTMASTER
           their top-level goal.      value; and setting prices using   Send domestic address changes, orders, and inquiries to: Harvard Business Review, Subscription Service,
            While the objectives of   feedback from in-house experts   P.O. Box 37457, Boone, IA 50037. GST Registration No. 1247384345. Periodical postage paid at Boston, MA,
           organizations in other sectors may   and, when possible, drawing on   and additional mailing offices.
           differ, they can apply the principles   conjoint analysis and other market   Printed in the U.S.A. Harvard Business Review (ISSN 0017-8012; USPS 0236-520), published every other
           the authors outline here to become   research.   HBR Reprint R1805H  month for professional managers, is an education program of Harvard Business School, Harvard University;
                                                                 Nitin Nohria, dean.
           gritty, too.   HBR Reprint R1805G                     Published by Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163.
                                                                             SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER 2018 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW 155 
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