Page 2 - Harvard Business Review, Sep/Oct 2018
P. 2


                                              The Business

         New research shows                   Case for                   FRANCESCA
                                                                         Professor, Harvard
                                                                         Business School
         that curiosity is vital
         to an organization’s                 Curiosity
         performance—as are the
                                                ost of the breakthrough
         particular ways in which             M self-driving cars, have something   deeply and rationally about decisions and   range of firms and industries, only about
                                                        come up with more-creative solutions. In
                                                discoveries and remarkable
                                                                   24% reported feeling curious in their jobs on
                                                        addition, curiosity allows leaders to gain
                                                                   a regular basis, and about 70% said they face
                                                inventions throughout history,
                                                        more respect from their followers and
                                                from flints for starting a fire to
                                                                   barriers to asking more questions at work.
                                                                   In this article I’ll elaborate on the
                                                        inspires employees to develop more-
                                                                   benefits of and common barriers to
                                              in common: They are the result of curiosity.
                                                        trusting and more-collaborative relation-
         people are curious and               The impulse to seek new information and   ships with colleagues.  curiosity in the workplace and then offer
                                                                   five strategies that can help leaders get
                                              experiences and explore novel possibilities
                                                         Second, by making small changes to the
                                              is a basic human attri bute. New research
                                                        design of their organizations and the ways
                                                                   high returns on investments in employees’
                                                        they manage their employees, leaders can
                                                                   curiosity and in their own.
                                              points to three important insights about
                                                        encourage curiosity—and improve their
                                              curiosity as it relates to business. First,
                                              curiosity is much more important to
                                                        companies. This is true in every industry
         the experiences they                 an enterprise’s performance than was   and for creative and routine work alike.  THE BENEFITS OF CURIOSITY
                                                                   New research reveals a wide range of
                                              previously thought. That’s because cul-
                                                         Third, although leaders might say they
                                              tivating it at all levels helps leaders and
                                                                   benefits for organizations, leaders, and
                                                        treasure inquisitive minds, in fact most
                                                        stifle curiosity, fearing it will increase risk
                                              their employees adapt to uncertain market
                                              conditions and external pressures: When
                                                                   Fewer decision-making errors.
                                                        and inefficiency. In a survey I conducted
                                                        of more than 3,000 employees from a wide
                                                                   In my research I found that when our
                                              our curiosity is triggered, we think more
         are exposed to. This                 48  HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER 2018     SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER 2018 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW 49 
         package examines how
         leaders can nurture
         curiosity throughout their                 THE BUSINESS CASE FOR CURIOSITY
         organizations and ensure                   Although leaders might say they value inquisitive minds, in reality most stifle
         that it translates to success.             curiosity, fearing it will increase risk and inefficiency. Harvard Business School’s
                                                    Francesca Gino elaborates on the benefits of and common barriers to curiosity
         page 47                                    in the workplace and offers five strategies for bolstering it. Leaders should
                                                    hire for curiosity, model inquisitiveness, emphasize learning goals, let workers
                                                    explore and broaden their interests, and have “Why?” “What if...?” and “How
                                                    might we...?” days. Doing so will help their organizations adapt to uncertain
                                                    market conditions and external pressures and boost the business’s success.
                                                    THE FIVE DIMENSIONS OF CURIOSITY
                                                    Psychologists have come to realize that curiosity is not a monolithic trait. George
                                                    Mason University’s Todd B. Kashdan, David J. Disabato, and Fallon R. Goodman, along
                                                    with linguist and educational scientist Carl Naughton, break it down into five distinct
                                                    dimensions: deprivation sensitivity, joyous exploration, social curiosity, stress tolerance,
                                                    and thrill seeking. They explore which dimensions lead to the best outcomes and
                                                    generate particular benefits in work and life.
                                                    FROM CURIOUS TO COMPETENT
                                                    The executive search firm Egon Zehnder has found that executives with extraordinary
                                                    curiosity are usually able, with the right development, to advance to C-level roles. But
                                                    that development is critical: Without it, a highly curious executive may score much lower
                                                    on competence than less curious counterparts. Egon Zehnder’s Claudio Fernández-Aráoz,
                                                    Andrew Roscoe, and Kentaro Aramaki describe the types of stretch assignments, job
                                                    rotations, and other experiences needed to transform curiosity into competence.
         IN A SINGLE REPRINT.   HBR Reprint R1805B
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