Page 3 - Harvard Business Review, Sep/Oct 2018
P. 3

HOW I DID IT                          MANAGING YOURSELF


                                                                              Although experts recommend eight hours of sleep a
                           HOW I DID IT          MANAGING YOURSELF
                           United Way’s          SLEEP WELL,   glucose (the molecule that fuels the brain),   night, many of us don’t get that. A recent study of leaders
                                                        and clear out beta-amyloid (the waste
                                                        product that builds up in Alzheimer’s
                                                        patients and disrupts cognitive activity).
                                                        By contrast, insufficient sleep and fatigue
                                                        lead to poor judgment, lack of self-control,
                                                        and impaired creativity. Moreover, there
                           CEO on                LEAD BETTER  are lesser-known secondary effects in   across the world found that 42% average six hours of
                                                        organizations. My research shows that sleep
                                                        deprivation doesn’t just hurt individual
                                                        performance: When managers lose sleep,
                                                        their employees’ experiences and output
                                                        are diminished too.
                                                        So how can we turn this knowledge into
                                                 MANAGERS NEED MORE REST. HERE’S
                           Shifting a            HOW TO GET IT. BY CHRISTOPHER M. BARNES  sleep-deprived leaders is to come to terms   shut-eye or less.
                                                        sustained behavior change? A first step for
                                                        with just how damaging your fatigue can
                                                        be—not only to you but also to those who
                                                        work for you. Next, follow some simple,
                                                        practical, research-backed advice to ensure
                                                    HOW MUCH SLEEP do you get each night?
                                                        that you get better rest, perform to your
                                                        potential, and bring out the best in the
                                                    Most of us know that eight hours is the
                           Century-Old              recommended amount, but with work,   people around you.  damaging at the end of the three months   research has shown that when leaders   Insufficient rest leads to poor judgment, lack of self-
                                                    family, and social commitments often
                                                    consuming more than 16 hours of the day,
                                                    it can seem impossible to make the math
                                                        SPREADING DAMAGE
                                                                     received scores 13% lower than those
                                                        Historically, scholars have depicted
                                                    work. Perhaps you feel that you operate just
                                                                 as it was at the beginning. However, the
                                                        supervision as stable over time—some
                                                    fine on four or five hours a night. Maybe
                                                                    in the control group. Why? Previous
                                                                 leaders were completely unaware of the
                                                    you’ve grown accustomed to red-eye flights,
                                                        bosses are just bad, and others aren’t. But
                           Business                 all-nighter. You might even wear your    behavior can vary dramatically from day    Michael Christian, and I found similar   good and therefore perceive the bosses as   control, and impaired creativity. And the author’s research
                                                        recent research indicates that individual
                                                                    evince positive emotion, subordinates feel
                                                                 negative dynamic.
                                                    time zone changes, and the occasional
                                                                 Lorenzo Lucianetti, Devasheesh Bhave,
                                                    sleep deprivation like a badge of honor.
                                                                    charismatic. If we don’t get enough sleep,
                                                        to day and week to week—and much of
                                                     If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.
                                                                 results when we asked 88 leaders and their
                                                                    we’re less likely to feel positive and less
                                                        this variance can be explained by the
                                                                    able to manage or fake our moods; it’s
                                                    Although the ranks of sleep advocates are
                                                        quality of a manager’s sleep. Indeed,
                                                                 subordinates to complete daily surveys
                                                        studies have found that when leaders
                                                                    very difficult to pull ourselves out of an
                                                    no doubt growing—led by the likes
                                                                 for two weeks: When bosses slept poorly,
                                                        show up for work unrested, they are more
                                                                 they were more likely to exhibit abusive
                                                                    insomnia-induced funk.
                           Model                    a significant percentage of people, and   likely to lose patience with employees,   WHEN LEADERS SHOW    behavior the next day, which resulted   value of sleep can negatively impact not
                                                    of Arianna Huffington and Jeff Bezos—
                                                                    Furthermore, leaders who discount the
                                                    U.S. executives in particular, don’t seem to
                                                                 in lower levels of engagement among
                                                        act in abusive ways, and be seen as
                                                        less charismatic. There is also a greater
                                                                 subordinates. When the boss doesn’t feel
                                                    be getting the sleep they need. According
                                                                    just emotions but also behaviors on their
                                                    to the most recent data from the National
                                                                 rested, the whole unit pays a price.
                                                        likelihood that their subordinates will
                                                                    teams. Lorenzo Lucianetti, Eli Awtrey,
                                                        themselves suffer from sleep deprivation—
                                                    Health Interview Survey, the proportion of
                                                                    Gretchen Spreitzer, and I conducted a
                                                                 Sleep also affects managers’ ability to
                                                    Americans getting no more than six hours
                                                        and even behave unethically.
                                                                 inspire and motivate those around them.
                                                                    series of studies of what we termed “sleep
                                                        In a recent study, Cristiano Guarana
                                                    a night (the minimum for a good night’s
                                                             THEY ARE MORE
                                                                    communicate to subordinates that sleep
                                                                 Shazia Nauman, Dejun Tony Kong, and
                                                    rest for most people) rose from 22% in 1985   and I measured the sleep of 40 managers   UP FOR WORK UNRESTED,   In a 2016 experiment, Cristiano Guarana,   devaluation”—scenarios in which leaders   shows that sleep-deprived bosses hurt their teams
                                                                    is unimportant. They may do so by setting
                                                    to 29% in 2012. An international study
                                                        and their 120 direct reports during the
                                                                 I manipulated the sleep of a sample of
                           by Brian Gallagher       conducted in 2017 by the Center for Creative   first three months of their assigned time   LIKELY TO LOSE PATIENCE    students: Some were allowed to get a   an example (for instance, boasting about
                                                                    sleeping only four hours or sending work
                                                                 normal night’s worth, while others were
                                                        working together, along with the quality
                                                    Leadership found that among leaders, the
                                                    problem is even worse: 42% get six or fewer   of these boss-employee relationships. We   WITH EMPLOYEES,    randomly assigned to a sleep-deprived   e-mails at 3 am), or they may directly shape
                                                    hours of shut-eye a night.  found that sleep-deprived leaders were   ACT IN ABUSIVE    condition in which they were awake about   employees’ habits by encouraging people
                                                                 two hours longer. We then asked each
                                                        more impatient, irritable, and antagonistic,
                                                                    to work during typical sleep hours (perhaps
                                                     You probably already have some
                                                    understanding of the benefits of rest—   which resulted in worse relationships. We   participant to give a speech on the role   criticizing subordinates for not responding   along with themselves: They are more likely to mistreat
                                                    and the costs of not getting it. Sleep allows   expected that this effect would diminish   WAYS, AND BE SEEN AS   of a leader, recorded those talks, and had   to those 3 am e-mails, or praising
                                                    us to consolidate and store memories,   over time as people got to know each other,   third parties evaluate the speakers for   individuals who regularly work late into
                                                    process emotional experiences, replenish   but it did not. Sleep deprivation was just as   LESS CHARISMATIC.  charisma. Those who were sleep-deprived   the night). In our studies, we found that
                                                                              employees and create a workplace where people feel less
           UNITED WAY’S CEO ON                   SLEEP WELL, LEAD BETTER      engaged and may even behave less ethically.
                                                                                Fortunately, there are ways to get more and better rest.
           SHIFTING A CENTURY-OLD                Christopher M. Barnes | page 140  These include sticking to a regular bedtime and wake-up
                                                                              time; avoiding caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and screen time
           BUSINESS MODEL                                                     before bed; tracking your sleep patterns and adjusting
           Brian Gallagher | page 38                                          your habits accordingly; getting treatment for sleep
                                                                              disorders; and napping during the workday. If you make
                                                                              sleep a priority, you’ll probably be a more productive—and
           In the 1950s the United Auto Workers                               inspiring—leader.        HBR Reprint R1805K
           negotiated a plan that allowed
           employees at the big carmakers to
           donate money directly from their
           paychecks to the local precursors
           of United Way. For most of the
           organization’s history, it had no direct
           relationship with its donors. That
           has changed. Payroll deductions still
           play an important role, but United
           Way is moving to technology-driven
           engagement that allows individual
           donors to become more closely involved
           with the mission.
            In partnership with Salesforce, it has
           created a platform on which donors
           have their own home pages; there
           they can track all the gifts they’ve         We Sum it all up!
           made and all the volunteer hours
           they’ve committed to causes and find
           content or policy news or volunteer
           opportunities relevant to their interests.
           It has found that individuals who engage
           with it online give more and continue                                    Keeping up with trends is crucial for
           giving from year to year. Today some                                     professionals, and reading is a powerful
           25,000 people have each given more                                       tool. But it takes valuable time. Wouldn’t it
           than $10,000 to United Way; more than                                    be great if you could learn something new
           600 have given $1 million; and 35 have                                   in just a few minutes and make reading a
           given $10 million or more.
                       HBR Reprint R1805A                                           habit? With getAbstract, you can.
                                                                                                By Delivering the key
                                                                                                insights of relevant non-
                                                                                                fiction  books,  articles,
                                                                                                videos  and  reports  in
                                                                                                concise texts and audios,
                                                                                                we're making millions
                                                                                                of  users the  best-read
                                                                                                experts on the business
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