Page 4 - Harvard Business Review, Sep/Oct 2018
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        MANAGING ORGANIZATIONS      INNOVATION                 STRATEGY                   STRATEGY

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                          How to deal with   ROSE HOLLISTER  It addresses the biases   JEANNE   LIEDTKA  How companies can benefit from innovation   WILLIAM KERR    Alibaba and    the Future
                                                                centers without necessarily relocating
                                                                      Professor, Harvard
                             Executive coach and consultant,
                          initiative overload  MICHAEL D. WATKINS  and behaviors that   School of Business
                             Genesis Advisers
                                                                      Business School
                                        Professor, Darden
                             Cofounder, Genesis Advisers, and
                                    hamper innovation.
                             professor, IMD                                                         MING ZENG    of Business
                                    Why                         Navigating                 Lessons from China’s innovative digital giant  Chairman, Academic Council
                                                                                                    of the Alibaba Group
                               Too   Desıgn                                                Art by Harry Campbell  libaba hit the headlines with the world’s biggest IPO in September 2014. Today, the   our disjointed observations and ideas    ecosystem: a community of organisms (businesses and consumers of many types)
                                                                                                           Alibaba’s special innovation, we realized, was that we were truly building an
                                                                                               company has a market cap among the global top 10, has surpassed Walmart in global
                           Many                                 Talent Hot                   A  become a household name.   the end, we had agreed on a vision. We   off-line physical elements). Our strategic imperative was to make sure that the platform
                                                                                                       about e-commerce trends began to coalesce
                                                                                                       into a larger view of the future, and by
                                                                                               sales, and has expanded into all the major markets in the world. Founder Jack Ma has
                                                                                                           interacting with one another and the environment (the online platform and the larger
                                                                                               From its inception, in 1999, Alibaba experienced great growth on its e-commerce
                                                                                                           provided all the resources, or access to the resources, that an online business would
                                                                                                       would “foster the development of an open,
                                                                                                           need to succeed, and hence supported the evolution of the ecosystem.
                                                                                               platform. However, it still didn’t look like a world-beater in 2007 when the manage-
                                                                                                       coordinated, prosperous e- commerce
                                                                                                           The ecosystem we built was simple at first: We linked buyers and sellers of goods. As
                                                                                               ment team, which I had joined full-time the year before, met for a strategy off-site
                                                                                                       ecosystem.” That’s when Alibaba’s journey
                                                                                                       really began.
                                                                                               at a drab seaside hotel in Ningbo, Zhejiang province. Over the course of the meeting,
                                                                                                           technology advanced, more business functions moved online—including established
                          Projects  Thinking                      SPOTS
                           “the essence of strategy is choosing what not to do,”
                           as Michael Porter famously said in a seminal HBR ar-
                           ticle, then the essence of execution is truly not doing
                           it. That sounds simple, but it’s surprisingly hard for   O ccasionally, a new way of orga-
                                       nizing work leads to extraordi-
                           organizations to kill existing initiatives, even when   nary improvements. Total quality management did that in manu-
                           they don’t align with new strategies. Instead, leaders   facturing in the 1980s by combining a set of tools—kanban cards,
                           keep layering on initiatives, which can lead to severe   quality circles, and so on—with the insight that people on the shop
                           overload at levels below the executive team.  floor could do much higher level work than they usually were asked
                                    to. That blend of tools and insight, applied to a work process, can be
                                    thought of as a social technology.
                                     In a recent seven-year study in which I looked in depth at 50
                                    projects from a range of sectors, including business, health care, and
        Rose Hollister and Michael D.   THINKING WORKS         HOT SPOTS                  FUTURE OF BUSINESS
        Watkins | page 64
                                    Jeanne Liedtka | page 72   William Kerr | page 80     Ming Zeng | page 88
        If “the essence of strategy is
        choosing what not to do,” as   While we know a lot about practices   Innovation clusters like San   Alibaba is not a retailer in the
        Michael Porter famously wrote,   that stimulate new ideas, innovation   Francisco and Boston have long   traditional sense. It doesn’t source
        then the essence of execution is   teams often struggle to apply them.   had an outsize impact on the global   or keep stock, and logistics services
        truly not doing it. That may sound   Why? Because people’s biases and   economy, and their influence keeps   are carried out by third-party
        simple, but most organizations   entrenched behaviors get in the way.   growing. In 2017, for instance,   providers. Instead, Alibaba is
        struggle to kill initiatives, even   In this article a Darden professor   America’s 10 largest tech hubs   what you get if you take all the
        those that no longer support their   explains how design thinking helps   accounted for 58% of U.S. patents.   functions associated with retail
        strategy. Unaware of the cumulative   people overcome this problem and   Globally, cities such as Tokyo,   and coordinate them online into
        impact or unwilling to part with   unleash their creativity.   Paris, Beijing, Shenzhen, and Seoul   a sprawling, data-driven network
        pet projects or both, senior leaders   Though ostensibly geared to   produced a similar proportion. The   of sellers, marketers, service
        pile on more and more, expecting   understanding and molding the   increased geographic concentration   providers, logistics companies,
        teams to absorb it all. Productivity,   experiences of customers, design   of innovation activity poses a   and manufacturers. Indeed,
        engagement, performance, and   thinking also profoundly reshapes   challenge for firms based in   Alibaba does what Amazon, eBay,
        retention tend to suffer as a result.  the experiences of the innovators   suburban industrial parks. To stay   PayPal, Google, FedEx, all of the
          In their consulting work the   themselves. For example, immersive   relevant, they need to tap into   wholesalers, and a good portion of
        authors have observed several   customer research helps them   urban hotbeds, but setting up   manufacturers in the U.S. do, with a
        root causes of initiative overload,   set aside their own views and   operations there can be extremely   healthy helping of financial services
        including impact blindness,   recognize needs customers haven’t   expensive.      for garnish.
        multiplier effects, political                            In his work on global talent   Alibaba achieves this by
        logrolling, unfunded mandates, cost   DESIGN THINKING   flows, Harvard Business School’s   leveraging the new technologies
        myopia, and inertia. Understanding                     Kerr has seen organizations   of network coordination and data
        those causes can help leaders   COULD DO FOR           try three solutions: At one   intelligence. It harnesses the
        diagnose the risks in their                            extreme, they can relocate their   efforts of thousands of Chinese
        organizations and make smarter   INNOVATION WHAT       headquarters to a hub, as GE   businesses to create an ecosystem
        decisions about what to keep and                       recently did (but make them   that is faster, smarter, and more
        what to kill. A step-by-step process   TQM DID FOR     much smaller). A less expensive   efficient than traditional business
        can guide them. Leaders should:  MANUFACTURING.        strategy is to create an innovation   infrastructures.
          1. Get a true count of the current                   lab or corporate outpost in a   This is an emerging business
        initiatives across the enterprise.                     talent cluster, as Walmart did   model that Ming Zeng, the chair
          2. Assess each one, identifying                      with Walmart Labs. The most   of Alibaba’s Academic Council,
        the business need, the required   expressed. Carefully planned   conservative strategy is to run   calls smart business. Players in the
        budget, the head count allocation,   dialogues help teams build on their   executive retreats and immersions   ecosystem share data and apply
        and the business impact.    diverse ideas, not just negotiate   in talent clusters—a tactic Vodafone   machine-learning technology to
          3. Get senior leaders working   compromises when differences   uses effectively.  identify and better fulfill consumer
        together to establish priorities,   arise. And experiments with new   These three options aren’t   needs. This article provides a
        in a discussion driven by the top   solutions reduce all stakeholders’   mutually exclusive. Given the need   framework for transforming a
        leadership team and informed by   fear of change.      to stay in touch with multiple   company into a smart business.
        candid feedback from below.  At every phase—customer   clusters, companies may want to       HBR Reprint R1805F
          4. Establish a “sunset” clause for   discovery, idea generation, and   try them all. Each one involves
        each initiative.            testing—a clear structure makes   substantial risks that executives
          5. In yearly planning, require   people more comfortable trying   must manage. But together they
        each initiative to reapply for funding   new things, and processes   offer a good playbook to firms that
        and other resources.        increase collaboration. Because it   are finding themselves outside the
          6. Strongly communicate that   combines practical tools and human   action as the clout of a handful of
        stopping an initiative isn’t a sign of   insight, design thinking is a social   cities grows.
        failure.                    technology—one that the author       HBR Reprint R1805E
          Organizations that learn how   predicts will have an impact as large
        to wisely cut back can accomplish   as an earlier social technology, total
        more in the areas that really matter.  quality management.
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