Page 119 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
P. 119

108 HBR Leader’s Handbook
 Assessing culture

    Instructions: Place an X where you are today and a XX where you need to be   Gap
    1   2   3          4              5

 1.  Decision making
    Authority to make decisions   Authority to make decisions dispersed
    centralized at top   throughout the company
 2.  Business information
    Information about business and strategy   Information about business and
 reserved for senior management   strategy available to everyone

 3.  Communication style
    Formally through written memos   Informally through conversations
 and official meetings   and impromptu meetings

 4.  Employee expertise
    People encouraged to focus on functional   People encouraged to develop many
 expertise and a single job   skills for a variety of jobs

 5.  External relations
    Company has traditional contractual relationships   Company develops formal and informal
 with customers and suppliers   partnerships with customers and suppliers

 6.  Solutions sharing
    New ideas and solutions infrequently   New ideas and solutions regularly shared
    shared with other departments      throughout entire organization
 7.  Rewards
    Rewards and responsibility based   Rewards and responsibility  based
                          on  accomplishments
    on title or tenure
 8.  Work behavior      Company uses teams and
    Company encourages and recognizes   recognizes teamwork
 individual performance

 9.  Work orientation      Emphasis placed on getting
    Emphasis placed on defined work   measurable,  bottom-line results
 processes and roles

 10.  Innovation
    Employees use traditional and tested   Employees looking for and experimenting with
                innovative ways of getting work done
    approaches to getting the work done   Total gap
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