Page 10 - Vibers3
P. 10

We're  about  to  go  back,  way  back  till           ABOUT THE EDITOR, PETER BYRNES
           when Noah... well not quite Noah, to start
           our  story.  Peter  was  born  in  Sydney,
           Australia  and  attended  school  in                 Peter  has  various  interests  which  have
           Parramatta up until year nine. At the end            led to work in other areas, mainly radio
           of  that  year,  Peter's  parents  made  the         broadcasting  and  film  production.  He
           move  north  to  Forster,  a  tourist  and           lives and works in Sydney these days and
           fishing  town  on  the  mid  north  coast  of        loves  to  spend  most  of  his  spare  time
           NSW.  Peter  completed  his  schooling  at           with his kids, Rich 13 and Ruby 11.
           Taree  High School  and  gained  the  NSW
           Higher  School  Certificate.  Whilst  at             The association with Miss Walker? He'll
           school,  Peter  also  obtained  a  Private           tell  you  he's  always  been  fascinated  by
           Pilot License with the hopes of continuing           accents and different languages. One fine
           to a career in commercial aviation. This             day,  Peter  simply  typed  the  word
           was not to be, as he joined a friend in              'accents'  into  the  Google  search  engine
           the kitchen joinery business, which he is            and the rest as they say, is history. He
           still in to this day. From the early days in         has  been  dazzled  and  amazed  by  Amy
           the  factory,  now  Sales  and  drafting             Walker's talent and aura ever since.
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