Page 11 - Vibers3
P. 11

‘Good evening, ladies and                               You'd think that by now, I
        gentlemen’ I excitedly shout,                           could get it right.
        walking on stage!
                                                                My daughter, the light in my

        It’s my first stand-up                                  uncertain day,
        comedy show, I finally
                                                                tells me I'm fine when I think
        worked up the courage.
                                                                I've lost my way!
        Then a heckler in the
                                                                Now a fellow 'radiant light',
        audience shouts, ‘hey mate,
                                                                we are connected, says she.
        who are ya? Who are YOU?’
                                                                A new page in the
        ‘Who am I? Who am I, you
                                                                scrapbook, brings sunshine
                                                                to me.

        Hmmm, do I even know
                                                                So, the future, Doc says, is
                                                                yet still to write.
        Who am I?
                                                                So, there you go mate, that’s
        I’m a work in progress, I'll tell                       who I am, alright?

        you my tale.

        At first thought it sounds                              Ruby with Amy’s WEG shirt
        easy, but I'm likely to fail.

        Cos I'm only human.

        And now back to the past.

        I find one main thing, that
        time's gone so fast.

        Of the lost loves, hey, more

        stories to tell,

        of romance, friendship, good
        times and .... oh well!

        What else have I to show for

        so many years?

        A scrapbook of life
        experience, of blood, sweat
        and tears.

        Most pages full of colour,
        but some black and white.
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