Page 18 - Choices Magazine - KS3 - Issue 3
P. 18

5.  Confidence

            Success in sports is one of the most
            exhilarating feelings that you can
            experience. Whether it’s netting a goal,                  Barry Murphy (U13s                                              Nick Griffiths from
            scoring a touchdown, success builds                       Manager & Coach - Drakes                                        Kidderminster Harriers
            confidence, and gives you the hunger                      Broughton Rangers                                               Community Trust
            to gain more of it. Winning is great for                  Football Club and Senior
            confidence, and once you have tasted                      Consulting Partner in a                                         As a Professional Football
            that success, you will be eager to find                   large global IT Services                                        Club, sport is a career that
            more of it in all facets of your life.                    Company)                                                        we have been privileged to
                                                                                                                                      be involved in. Not everyone
                                                                       By taking part in a team sport                                 can play professional sport,
            6.  Reliability                                           such as football means you can                                  however there are many
                                                                                                                                      associated professions such
                                                                      increase your employability skills
                                                                      in many ways, such as being part                                as coaching, administration,
                                                                      of a team and learning to work                                  media and medical.
            Taking part in a regular team sport and
            training will prove to an employer in the                 together to reach a common                                      Sport builds character. It
            future that you know how important it is                  and shared goal.  You are                                       develops mental strength
            to be reliable and a good timekeeper.                     required to communicate with                                    and resilience.  Being able
            You won’t be picked for a team if you                     your teammates and coaches                                      to work as a team is vital in
            constantly don’t show up for training                     to understand instructions and                                  football and even individual
            and if you are late to be picked up                       ensure you all know how you                                     sports people such as boxers
            you will not be able to play.                             contribute to the team.  It                                     rely on the team around
                                                                      requires you to be open and                                     them. Concentration,
                                                                      transparent with your teammates                                 Confidence, Composure and
                                                                      and coaches and follow team                                     Determination are qualities
                                                                      instructions.  It also provides the                             needed in all sports. These
                                                                      ability to develop leadership and                               qualities translate to all areas
                                                                      collaboration skills that are key to                            of life so sport can help
                                                                      any successful sport participation                              you develop and achieve
                                                                      and more importantly your future                                success in all areas.
                                                                      working environment and career.

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