Page 23 - Choices Magazine - KS3 - Issue 3
P. 23

Army Cadets- Tell me more!!  The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
 The Army Cadet Force is a national youth   Any young person aged 14 to 24
 organisation sponsored by the United   can take part in Duke of Edinburgh
 Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence and the   programmes. Their current four section
 British Army. Along with the Sea Cadet   format is: Volunteering, Physical, Skills and
 Corps and the Air Training Corps, the ACF   Expedition, with an additional Residential
 make up the Community Cadet Forces  section at Gold. Schools will normally
 support this from Year 9.
 The Army Cadets develop young people
 of all abilities and backgrounds both   Today, over 490,000 young people are
 physically and mentally, improving   doing their DofE across the UK and over
 self-confidence, teamwork, friendship,   295,000 start a programme each year,
 leadership and community spirit through   25% of whom experience social and
 a wide range of fun and exciting    economic marginalisation and barriers to
 activities as well as recognised    participation.
 vocational qualifications such
 as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award   The DofE is part of the fabric of our
 Scheme and BTEC Diplomas.  society, in schools, colleges, unis, young
 offender institutions, youth groups and
 Although they are not part of the   more. As we rebuild after the Covid-19
 recruiting process for the Armed   pandemic the need for DofE has never
 Forces they  do however promote an   been greater. Through DofE, young
 understanding of what the Armed Forces’   people from all backgrounds and
 roles and responsibilities are, and provide   circumstances can build the self-belief,
 assistance to any cadet who expresses   resilience, and skills they need to navigate
 an interest in joining the Armed Forces   some of the toughest challenges any
 later in life.  generation has had to face and meet
 an uncertain future with confidence.
 For more information visit:  For more information visit:
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