Page 24 - Choices Magazine - KS3 - Issue 3
P. 24

Volunteer Police Cadets                                                                                          St John Ambulance:
                                                                                                                               First Aid Courses, Advice and Volunteering
              Joining the Volunteer Police Cadets is a great way to develop your volunteering and
              leadership skills to support yourself and the community. It encourages young people                              St John Ambulance is a volunteer-
              to develop life skills to support their safety and personal development.                                         led, charitable non-governmental
                                                                                                                               organisation dedicated to the teaching                      Employability
              What do police cadets do? Police cadets, help and assist in the community by getting                             and practice of first aid in England, a
              involved in stewarding in local events such as fairs, town shows, carnivals, and other                           volunteer-led health and first aid charity                  Skills:
              local events. They also assist in high profile events in your areas.                                             - responding to emergencies, supporting

              Police cadet groups operate to the Aims and Principles of the Volunteer Police Cadets.                           communities, and saving lives.                              Once again participating in
              There are opportunities for all young people aged 13 - 18 years old to support their local                       Whatever you enjoy doing and                                activities which are not school
              communities. Most cadet units have a local school or college as their base, making it                            however much time you commit                                related can help you develop
              a very accessible place for young people to attend.                                                              there’s a volunteer role for you.                           some useful employability skills.

              Whilst every VPC unit offers fantastic opportunities for all young people, they may have                         Volunteering is a fantastic way                             Here are a few skills which you
              different ways of providing those opportunities. There will be a great mix of like-minded                        to enhance your CV, meet new                                could gain from participating
              young people reflecting the diversity of their local community participating in:                                 people and learn lifesaving skills.                         in activities which take place
                                                                                                                                                                                           outside of school.
              •  Developing            •  Meeting               •  Learning about       •  Force-wide, UK-                     Example of volunteering roles:
                their life skills        new friends             British policing         wide, and even                       >  Ambulance Service Volunteering                           >  Communication
                                                                                          international                                                                                    >  Teamwork
                                       • Social events          •  Sporting activities    opportunities                        >  Community First Responders
                                                                                                                                                                                           >  Negotiation and Persuasion
              Many VPC units also offer the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme for their cadets and                              >  Fundraising and
              leaders. The VPC has developed a series of workbooks to assist cadets’ understanding of                            Communications Volunteer                                  >  Problem Solving
              British policing.
                                                                                                                               >  Student and Youth Team                                   >  Leadership
              The VPC understands that most young people want to do something constructive for their                             Volunteers and many more
              own community. They are the only uniformed group that expects young people to volunteer                                                                                      >  Organisational
              an average of 3 hours a month in support of local policing and community inspired social                         For more information visit:                                 >  Perseverance and Motivation
              action. They will help and support you to lead your own social action projects. The VPC has            
              developed a social action workbook and course to give you the necessary skills so that you                                                                                   >  Ability to work under pressure
              and your friends can really make a difference in your community.
                                                                                                                                                                                           >  Confidence.
              For more information visit:
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