Page 29 - Choices Magazine - KS3 - Issue 3
P. 29


          PART ONE
 COULD BE    Using the options in the table below answer each

          of the questions by putting a TICK in one of the
          columns next to each of the questions.
 RIGHT FOR    1            2         3               4       5

                                     Don’t Mind
                                                             Like a lot
           Dislike a lot
 YOU?                                              JOB FAMILY A

 It is never too early   This activity comes in 2 parts.  1  Do you like?     1     2      3     4     5
               Dealing with money
 to start exploring   The first part of this activity is a simple questionnaire.
 the types of careers   Complete this questionnaire by working your way through   2  Dealing with paperwork (letters, forms etc)
 which you might wish to   the list of questions and placing a tick in the box in the
 consider in the future.  column labelled 1 to 5 which best suits the answer you   3  Using a keyboard/computer/ IT
 would like to give.
 There are many fun
 “online” activities which   You only need to provide ONE answer per question.  4  Learning about the programme of PC’s
 you can undertake   Once you have completed ALL of the questions you
 which can provide you   will then need to add up the total score for the answers   5  Being accurate with numbers/dealing with numbers
 with some ideas about   you have given for each set of questions.
 careers you could   Once you have your totals then you will need    6  Working at a desk in an office
 consider but we thought   to RANK them in order of HIGHEST to LOWEST.
 it might be useful to   The second part of this activity will provide    7  Researching/recording information
 share with you a simple   you with some ideas of which of the 4 different
 questionnaire which   job families might suit you.
 you could complete   Explore in more detail the job family which was your   8  Using the Internet
 which might help you to   highest score and perhaps follow some of the useful
 identify some job roles   links to look in more detail about some of the job    9  Handling money or keeping records
 / career pathways which   roles which directly link to that family of jobs.
 might suit your interests   You may want to ask a family member or friend    Total Score
 and your skills.  to also have a go and see how they score.                                                           29  |  JUL Y 2021

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