Page 4 - Choices Magazine - KS3 - Issue 3
P. 4



                   Be Your Own Boss                                                                                                                   1.   Self Confidence

                   Who’s in charge...                                                                                                                        self-belief

                   I’m in charge!                                                                                                                     Self-confidence is a feeling of trust in our abilities, qualities and judgment.

                                                                                                                                                      Developing it is the cornerstone of a successful life.  Confidence comes from
                                                                                                                                                      where we derive our self-worth, so both internal and external sources.
                   WHAT IS AN ENTREPRENUER                                                                                                            External sources include appearance, the approval of others, and academic

                   A person who sets up a business                                                                                                    performance. Internal sources include being a good person and staying
                   or businesses, taking on financial                                                                                                 true to moral standards. Students with a strong sense of self, derived through
                   risks in the hope of profit.                                                                                                       internal sources – those who are ethical and principled – are less likely to
                                                                                                                                                      engage in dangerous activities as adolescents and are more likely to have
                   BENEFITS OF BECOMING                                                                                                               life experiences that lead to a successful life.
                   AN ENTREPRENUER                                                                                                                    Self-belief is the trust you have in yourself to motivate you to develop
                                                                                                                                                      the required skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to generate self-
                   Over the next couple of pages,                                                                                                     confidence. For example, Dr Milford, who provides a quote below, believed
                   we have listed some of the                                                                                                         he could make a difference in the world of collaborative working (bringing
                   benefits which might help                                                                                                          businesses together to achieve something they could not achieve alone).
                   you make a decision if you                                                                                                         In order for him to have self-confidence in delivering this highly specialised
                   are thinking about becoming                                                                                                        work, he believed in himself enough to gain a PhD in the subject
                   your own boss and succeed                                                                                                           …even though he is dyslexic and was already in a full-time job.
                   in the world of business.
                                                                                                                                                      Entrepreneurship goes hand in hand with our own internal motivation.
                   Always remember young                                                                                                              It is a belief in our ideas and ability to overcome obstacles that builds
                   people are often more capable                                                                                                      strong relationships in both business and life.
                   of learning and developing
                   NEW key skills, attitudes,                                                                                                         Learning something from experience as opposed to instruction is key                     5  |  JUL Y 2021
                   and behaviours than adults.                                                                                                        in developing problem solving skills and confidence in ourselves.

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