Page 7 - Choices Magazine - KS3 - Issue 3
P. 7


 2.  Durability   3.  Problem

    and Resilience  solving

 Developing a thick skin when it   Entrepreneurs are critical thinkers – but not
 comes to adversity is paramount in an   rocket scientists. They hone the ability to   Business owner
 entrepreneur. We all know pain, failure,   focus and tackle a problem using analysis   Dr Rob Milford, age 46
 and disappointment are part of life. There   and evaluation to form judgments and over   giving some advice to his 11-year-old self:
 is something Dr Milford calls his business   time this becomes a “gut instinct or normal
 face – this is what he “wears” to work as   reaction”. Learning to think critically is a key   “Wake up sleepy it’s a sunny day out there. So, you have just
 there will always be someone out there who   component to being a problem solver. It is   been told that you have dyslexia and that is a badge for you
 either deliberately or by accident will cause   how people make clear, reasoned decisions   for life. SO, WHAT!!! People are telling you that you will never
 offence or challenge. Think of it as wearing   leading to success in business and beyond.  amount to anything academically – RUBBISH!!! You know you
 armour to the battlefield – business owners   have energy - you went to work on Saturday and got paid for
 require this armour from time to time to   Think how you should handle a situation that   it, your friends didn’t. You can now pay for that new tent and
 protect themselves – don’t forget that there   is troubling you, your business, or your staff.   go camping with your friends. GREAT YOU ACHIEVED A GOAL
 will be jealousy from others when you are   You might need help coming up with ideas.  AND BUDGETED (saved money) to get the tent you wanted.
 making £millions!      Apply this later in life and you can have a job and pay for the
 Ask your family and friends for advice or if   university PhD you wanted and believed you could achieve,
 An important part of entrepreneurship is   you feel confident enough ask your staff. Ask   and not generate a huge debt. Dyslexia is just another problem
 learning from failure and not fearing it. You   questions like “Do you think this could work?”  to manage, just like in business, little problems come along
 need to develop a resilient spirit and handle   This will help you define the problem aloud,   that you will have to manage – but don’t do it alone, ask for
 challenges life sends your way. You will feel   which is important. This gets perspective and   help if you need to – heck, MSOffice has spelling and grammar
 better and more confident while helping to   checking these days.
 avoid anxiety and self-doubt.  helps you to find answers independently.   By the way, when you are 17 you will be put in a position by
 Entrepreneurs must get comfortable taking   your family to make a key choice in life. You will have to choose
 risks. They must also learn which risks are worth   between the career you had planned for and another career to
 taking. Some risks are a foolish gamble, while   help your family. It doesn’t matter which you choose but go with
 others bear fruit that’s worth its weight in gold.   your heart and inner beliefs/values. There will always be time
 Being able to tell the difference – and have   later to try the other option in career terms – you don’t have
 the courage to go after the smart risks.
                        to pick a career for life – only for the time being.”
 As a business owner it is useful to form
 networks with other business owners. There
 is then the reduction in the feeling of being
 alone – which is a common feeling as
 a business owner. Generally, don’t be
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 afraid to ask for help.

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