Page 42 - Choices Magazine - KS3 - Issue 3
P. 42

Qualifications Working                                                                                              JOB:

               This area of work is open to graduates              Hours                                                           Secondary School Teacher
               of any discipline but an undergraduate
               degree in journalism, English or writing may        Journalists quite frequently work long
               improve your chances. However, some                 or unsocial hours. Early in your career,                                          As a secondary school teacher, you will teach pupils aged 11
               editors may be more interested in graduates         you’re likely to work an early or late                                            to 18. Specialising in a particular subject like ENGLISH, you will
               with a specialist degree subject, such as           shift pattern. You need to be flexible                                            plan, teach and assess lessons in line with curriculum objectives.
               economics or science.                               to accommodate for breaking news                                                  You’ll aim to ensure a healthy culture of learning and will
               Experience and personal qualities are               and deadlines.                                                                    support, observe, and record pupils’ progress.
               also considered extremely important.                                                                                                  Teachers must keep up to date with developments in
               Entry without a degree, HND or foundation           Skills                                                                            their subject area, new resources, methods, and national
               degree is possible but is becoming                                                                                                    objectives. The role involves liaising and networking with other
               increasingly difficult. The majority of new         You’ll need to show:                                                              professionals, parents, and carers, both informally and formally.
               entrants to the newspaper journalism                •   strong written and oral
               industry are graduates.                                communication skills                                         Responsibilities
               Graduates can choose from several pre-entry         •   a keen interest in news, current
               routes into newspaper journalism. There are            affairs, business, and people                                As a secondary school teacher, you’ll need to:
               full-time, one-year postgraduate courses,           •   accurate spelling, grammar,                                 •   prepare and deliver lessons to classes        through academic
               which result in a postgraduate diploma or              and punctuation                                                 of different ages and abilities                or personal difficulties
               Master’s degree. There are also fast-track,         •   good organisational skills and
               18 to 20-week postgraduate courses.                    the ability to work under pressure                           •   mark work, give appropriate feedback        •   communicate with parents
               Students should check that their courses               to tight deadlines                                              and maintain records of pupils’ progress       and carers over pupils’ progress
               will be well regarded by potential employers.                                                                          and development                                and participate in departmental
                                                                   •   an ability to grasp complex issues                          •   research new topic areas,                     meetings, parents’ evenings,
                                                                      quickly and explain them in simple,                             maintaining up-to-date subject                 and whole-school training events
                                                                      concise language                                                knowledge, and devise and write              •   liaise with other professionals, such as
                                                                   •   resilience, determination, flexibility,                        new curriculum materials                       learning mentors, careers advisers,
                                                                      persistence, motivation and integrity.                       •   select and use a range of different           educational psychologists and

                                                                                                                                      learning resources and equipment,              education welfare officers
                                                                                                                                      including podcasts and interactive           •   supervise and support the work of
                                                                                                                                      whiteboards                                    teaching assistants, trainee teachers

               For more information about this job and many others linking to English                                              •   prepare pupils for qualifications             and newly qualified teachers (NQTs)
               why not visit the Prospects – Job Profile website.                                                                     and external examinations                    •   organise and participate in
                                                         •   manage pupil behaviour in the                 extracurricular activities, such as outings,
                                                                                                                                      classroom and on school premises,              social activities and sporting events
                                                                                                                                      and apply appropriate and effective          •   undergo regular observations and
                                                                                                                                      measures in cases of misbehaviour              participate in regular in-service training
                                                                                                                                   •   undertake pastoral duties, such as            (INSET) as part of continuing professional               43  |  JuL Y 2021
                                                                                                                                      taking on the role of form tutor, and          development (CPD).
                                                                                                                                      supporting pupils on an individual basis

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