Page 49 - Choices Magazine - KS3 - Issue 3
P. 49

Working hours  Skills  JOB:

 You’ll typically work a 9am to 5pm week.   You’ll need to be:  Proof-reader
 Occasional evening and weekend work may be
 necessary to coordinate with large marketing   •   highly organised, with the
 campaigns, events, product launches or the   ability to work on multiple   A thorough knowledge of spelling and grammar is essential in
 development of a new website.  projects at once  the world of publishing as is the ability to work to tight deadlines
 •   experienced with one or   As a proof-reader you’ll ensure that material is clear,
 Part-time work and job sharing are possible for web   more CMS
 content managers, as you’ll usually put in place   •   strategic, and able to   consistent, complete and credible, and that text is well written,
 policies, content plans, and schedules for your   oversee large projects and   grammatically correct, and accessible. You’ll take the initial
                               material, or the copy, and make it ready for publication.
 organisation to follow in your absence. Companies   coordinate the work of
 may hire on a fixed-term basis if they’re looking for   others  You’ll work on a range of publications, including:
 a web content manager to come in and set up   books    newspapers                other electronic
 guidelines, or to complete a specific project, such   •   an excellent writer and   resources.
 as migrating content to a new website.  editor, with good spelling   journals  websites
 and grammar and the ability   You’ll be required to correct spelling, grammar, and layout
 to adapt to house styles
 Qualifications  •   able to research, collate   (proofreading), check content, impose consistent styles and
                               reword or rewrite (copy-editing). This depends on the project, the
 and summarise information
 You don’t need a formal qualification to become   from different sources  employer or the client and their own specialist experience. Many
                               proof-readers perform both functions in tandem.
 a web content manager, however a degree   •   logical and analytical, with
 can provide useful experience in writing, editing,   an ability to spot patterns,   They’re employed by publishers, businesses, and public bodies
                               but increasingly on a freelance basis, so it’s common to have
 presenting and group coordination, particularly if it’s   gaps, and repetitions in
 mainly assessed through essays and presentations.  web content  several clients at the same time. Many people retrain for editorial
                               work as a second or third career.
 •   able to communicate
 A degree or qualification in a similar subject to the   confidently and clearly
 website you are managing can be advantageous
 as you’ll be able to apply your knowledge to   with a variety of   Responsibilities
 identify gaps and inaccuracies in the content.  stakeholders
 •   technically minded, with
 Sometimes employers look for candidates with a   an understanding of HTML,   Activities depend on experience and whether you work in-house or freelance.
 qualification in information management, media   CSS, JavaScript, and other   They may include:
 management or digital communications. The   web technologies  •   correcting spelling mistakes and   •   checking that authors have provided all
 Chartered Institute of Library and Information   •   knowledgeable about the   grammatical errors  the required materials and paperwork
 Professionals (CILIP) provides a list of accredited   website’s users and industry  •   sub-editing text written by a number of   •   resolving queries directly with the author,
 qualifications, which include undergraduate and   authors to ensure consistent house style  e.g. style and text inconsistencies
 postgraduate courses, foundation degrees and   •   willing to stay up to date   •   working with IT-based publishing systems  •   coding manuscripts for design features,
 short courses. See the list at CILIP - Getting Qualified.  with developments in
 your subject area and    and databases, as well as via the   such as hierarchy of headings, to
 Skills and experience are most important, and   in developments in    internet or from paper manuscripts  instruct the production team
 these can be gained through education, work   the digital world.  •   liaising regularly with authors and   •   creating artwork briefs to detail the   49  |  JuL Y 2021
 experience and volunteering opportunities.  publishers by phone and email  content of illustrations

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