Page 41 - Choices Magazine - KS3 Issue 2
P. 41

Responsibilities  Salary                                    Working Hours

 As a consulting civil engineer,    •  be adaptable, as the client may   •  Consulting civil engineer salaries    The average working week is 42 hours
 you’ll need to:  change their mind about the design,   usually start at around £23,500, rising to   and may include some unsocial hours,
 •  undertake technical and feasibility   and ensure relevant parties are    £26,500 with two years’ experience.  depending on your particular speciality
 studies and site investigations  notified of changes in the project  •  For non-members, salaries usually   and individual project requirements.
 •  develop detailed designs  •  lead teams of other engineers, perhaps   average around £30,450.  You may occasionally have to work
 •  assess the potential risks of specific   from other organisations or firms  •  The average basic salary for    long hours and weekends.
 projects, as well as undertake risk   •  compile, check and approve reports  members of the Institution of
 management in specialist roles  •  review and approve project drawings  Civil Engineers (ICE) is almost £50,000.
 •  supervise tendering procedures and put   •  use computer-aided design (CAD)   •  The average basic salary
 together proposals  packages for designing projects  of ICE fellows is £81,447
 •  manage, supervise, and visit    •  undertake complex and    Income figures are intended as a guide only
 contractors on site and advise    repetitive calculations
 on civil engineering issues  •  schedule material and equipment
 •  oversee the work of junior staff,    purchases and delivery
 or mentor civil engineers throughout    •  attend public meetings to discuss
 the chartership process  projects, especially in a senior role  Qualifications  Skills
 •  communicate and liaise effectively   •  adopt all relevant requirements   This area of work is open to civil and   You’ll need to show:
 with colleagues and architects,   around issues such as building permits,   structural engineering graduates.   •  technical competence
 subcontractors, contracting civil   environmental regulations, sanitary   An honours degree, accredited by the
 engineers, consultants, co-workers,    design, good manufacturing practices   ICE, is essential for gaining Chartered   •  strong numeracy and IT skills
 and clients  and safety on all work assignments  Engineer (MICE CEng) status with the ICE.  •  excellent communication
 •  think both creatively and    •  ensure that a project runs smoothly and   It may be possible to enter this    and teamworking skills
 logically to resolve design    that the structure is completed on time   profession as a graduate with a BSc    •  ability to work to budgets
 and development problems  and within budget  or another engineering discipline,    and deadlines
 •  manage budgets and    •  correct any project deficiencies    but progression could be limited.    •  knowledge of relevant building
 other project resources  that affect production, quality and   Entry with a HND only is unusual.  legislation
 safety requirements before final                            •  attention to detail, combined with t
 evaluation and project reviews.                                he ability to oversee large projects
                                                             •  negotiation and leadership skills
                                                             •  creative problem solving
                                                             •  a flexible approach.

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