Page 44 - Choices Magazine - KS3 Issue 2
P. 44


               Salary                                            Skills

               •  As a statistician outside of London,           You will need to have:
                  you’ll typically start on a salary of          •  mathematical ability and                                   ACTIVITIES
                  around £26,000 (statistical officer) or           computer literacy
                  £29,000 (assistant statistician).              •  a clear understanding of
               •  Salaries for experienced statisticians            statistical terms and concepts
                  range from £44,000 to £50,000. Salaries        •  analytical skills                                          TO TRY...
                  for those based in London are higher.          •  written and oral communication skills

               Income figures are intended as a guide only       •  problem-solving skills
                                                                 •  the ability to communicate results                         Careers activities don’t always have to take place within the classroom
                                                                    and findings to non-statisticians                          or while you are at school.  There are many careers activities which can
               Working Hours                                     •  the ability to influence others                            take place at home which you can complete by yourself.

               Most statisticians work full time hours.          •  a practical and strategic
                                                                    approach to work
               Flexible working hours are common.                •  a high level of accuracy
               Paid overtime is occasionally available.             and attention to detail                                                 Your Careers Leader can provide you with a copy
               Part-time work, home working and                  •  the capability to plan your work                                        of these activities which can be downloaded HERE.
               career breaks are also possible.                     and meet deadlines
                                                                 •  the capacity to work alone
               Qualifications                                       and within teams.

               Employers typically look for graduates
               with a degree that has a statistical
               or quantitative component.
               Examples include:
               •  economics
               •  geography
               •  mathematics
               •  psychology
               •  statistics.

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