Page 11 - PDCalFall2019-web
P. 11

•  A simple, quick and effective way for   Social Emotional Learning and
        you and your students to be mindful
        throughout the day;                  the Arts: Exploring Connections and
      •  Tools to set powerful individual and group   Implications (PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, & 7)
        contexts for mindful student engagement,   Nov. 11, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
        even with reluctant and resistant learners;  Presenters: Dr. Maurice Elias, Professor of
      •  An easy to implement process that   Psychology, Rutgers University, Director,
        generates creative problem solving and   Rutgers Social-Emotional and Character
        working toward shared teacher/student   Development Lab and Alison Scott-Williams,
        goals;                               Vice President, Arts Education, New Jersey
      •  A shared point of view that students   Performing Arts Center
        can use on their own to build daily self   Fee: $149
        monitoring and reflection;           High-quality arts education is a powerful catalyst
      •  You will also be boosting your own   for social emotional learning. In this session
        creativity and reducing stress!      participants will explore how learning in and
     Day 2 - On day one you have been shown   through the arts fosters social emotional growth
     and experienced how to introduce the Matrix   and contributes to positive school culture. The
     to get things up and running. You have also   natural alignment between arts education and
     experienced how it can make a difference for   the five social emotional competencies will be
     you and those you serve. Giving you some time   closely examined through colorful examples,
     to use the Matrix process with students and   demonstrating the many implications. This
     staff, we return to continue to deepen your   session will empower teachers and administrators
     understanding, move past sticking points you   to cultivate connections between their arts
     experience, and address implementation issues   programs and the New Jersey Social Emotional
     while continuing to practice. In part two, you will   Competencies with greater intention, in order to
     receive coaching, feedback and support while   impact the student experience.
     also building collaboration and shared purposes
     with your colleagues. Together we will discover    Legally Compliant IEPs
     and share what works… and have some fun.  Nov. 12, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
                                             Presenter: John Worthington, Esq., LEGAL
         Digital Age School Leadership       ONE
     With Google Apps (PSEL Standards 6      Fee: $150
     and 10)                                 This workshop will provide an in-depth
                                             explanation of what courts expect to see in IEPs.
     Nov. 6, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA        Key components in IEPs that can render them
     Presenter: Kay McNulty, FEA Consultant   both legally and technically sound, most notably
     Fee: $149                               the Present Level of Academic Achievement and
     Today’s students belong to a digital future.   Functional Performance (PLAFP) and the goals and
                                             objectives sections, will be identified. This session
     Therefore it is our responsibility as leaders   will focus on combining best practices with
     to create learning cultures that prepare them   educational strategies that are reasonable and
     to thrive. Leaders need to continually model   practical for child study teams to utilize every day.
     effective uses of technology in their daily
     routines in order to establish such a cultural
     shift. Join us for an interactive session that will   WEBINAR
     focus on establishing healthy digital skills for    What's New in HIB Law?
     school leaders. Participants will focus on ways   Nov. 13, 2019; noon - 1:10 pm
     to model practical uses of Google web tools,
     strengthen instructional leadership, and increase   Presenters: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     productivity and efficiency through streamlined   Coordinator for Online Course Development;
     walkthrough procedures, team building, and   Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of Human
     efficient communication methods.        Resources
                                             Fee: $40
         Observation Feedback to             This information-packed webinar will review the
                                             most recent legal developments in HIB affecting
     Improve NGSS Implementation —           New Jersey’s public schools. Included will be a
     How to Speak About 3D Learning to       discussion of recent legislative and regulatory en-
     Teachers (PSEL Standards 4, 6, and 10)  actments involving New Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill
                                             of Rights Act and their impact on school district
     Nov. 11, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       operations, staff and students. Participants will be
     Presenters: Kim Feltre, K-12 Science    provided with a case law update of recent HIB de-
     Supervisor, HMS STEM Supervisor         cisions of the Commissioner of Education and the
     Hillsborough Township Public Schools    New Jersey and Federal courts as well as emerging
     and Brian Carey, 7-12 Science Supervisor,   trends. Topics will include identifying acts of HIB,
     Livingston Public Schools               HIB procedures, board of education hearings, par-
     Fee: $149                               ent access to HIB information, the intersection of
     Three-dimensional feedback is critical to   bullying and special education and the impact of
     helping teachers grow in their ability to   the 2019 revised Uniform State Memorandum of
     plan instruction and assessment that meets   Agreement Between Education and Law Enforce-
     the intent of the Next Generation Science   ment Officials on HIB reporting.
     Standards (NGSS). This workshop will focus
     on how leaders can provide targeted, science-
     specific feedback to teachers using some
     simple techniques for gathering evidence
     during observations. Share these techniques
     among your administrative team in an effort to
     collectively and consistently provide feedback
     aimed at science-specific teacher growth.
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