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P. 13

Connected Action Roadmap

      Destination: Student Learning

                                        Endorsed by all of the leading educational
                                        organizations across NJ as well as the NJ
                                        Department of Education, CAR has become
                                        the vision for school improvement in New
                                        Jersey schools. It was recently used by
                                        teams of educators from across the state
                                        working with the NJDOE to develop K-12 ELA
                                        and Math instructional units with common
                                        student learning objectives derived from
                                        the NJ Student Learning Standards. These
      resources, when combined with the CAR conversations, offer a powerful toolkit
      for PLCs to develop a shared understanding of the standards, strengthen
      teacher practice and improve student learning outcomes.

      CAR is a systems-based approach to strengthening teaching, leading, and
      learning. It brings coherence to the work of educators by connecting curric-
      ulum, instruction, assessment, professional learning, and school climate and
      culture to the work of professional learning communities. Through the tools
      and resources provided by CAR, the work of educators shifts from program
      to practice as it improves student learning outcomes and promotes the
      development of teacher leadership.

      Learn more at our CAR training session:

             The Connected Action Roadmap: A Systemic Process for Strengthening
        Teaching, Leading, and Learning (PSEL Standards 4, 7, and 10)
        Nov. 14, 2019; Jan. 27; or Feb. 21, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
        Presenters: Donna McInerney, Vicki Duff, and Emil Carafa, FEA
        Fee: $149

             It’s Not as Simple as Choosing a Resource: Utilizing Primary and
        Secondary Resources in Social Studies (PSEL Standards 4, 7, and 10)
        Dec. 3, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at Brick Township PD Center
        Presenter: Bobbie Felip, FEA Consultant
        Fee: $149
             Driving the CAR Process: Using Effective and Powerful ELA Instructional
        Strategies for K-5 (PSEL Standards 4, 6, 7, and 10)
        Jan. 8, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
        Presenter: Toni Capodanno
        Fee: $149
      CAR In-District

        To learn more about how you can bring CAR to your district, contact Donna
        McInerney or Christy Stoehr at (609) 860-1200, dmcinerney@njpsa.
        org, or We can schedule an in-district training session
        where we come to your district and train your whole team.


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